Chapter One

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Inherited Love - Ricky
written by @ephiphaniki
{ this is a work of fiction and written for entertainment purposes only }

"...and the answer to 7E is B," the professor revealed, drawing on the whiteboard. "Does anyone want to explain why?"

Jung Eunjin sat in the filled classroom. In the back left corner of the classroom was where she sat, doodling around in her notebook. She always hated lectures like these. What was even the point in them? It was a nice and peaceful Tuesday afternoon and she just wanted to enjoy the day with her friends. But instead she was listening to a lecture.

"No one wants to explain?" the professor spoke. "Anyone?"

Jung Eunjin sighed, raising her hand in the air. Since no one was going to answer she might as well.

"Ah yes, Jung Eunjin!" the professor called on the only hand raised.

"The answer to problem seven is B" she answered.

"How did you get to that?"

"Well based off the context you can obviously tell that it's not A and since C is based off of A then its not C either. That leaves us with B," she explained.

"Excellent!" the professor praised her. "I only expect the best from our top student!"

"One, of our top students" someone blurted out loud.

Eunjin didn't bother to turn her head to face the voice. She already knew who it was. She rolled her eyes at the speaker, even though he couldn't see.

Did he really have to say that? Nobody cares that we're tied, Ricky. Eunjin's mind spoke, even though no one heard it.

"Of course!" the teacher beamed. "How could I forget about our other topper, Shen Ricky."

Eunjin mentally gagged at his name. Their professor was very fond of Ricky when Eunjin could get better test scores than him if she really wanted to. And she did really want to. But everytime Eunjin would improve Ricky would too. Leaving them tied for first.

"Just a small mishap," Ricky told the professor. "Everyone has them from time to time."

"Or maybe you're just forgettable..." Eunjin grumbled.

"What was that, Jung Eunjin?" the professor snapped her head back towards Eunjin.

"Hm? Nothing," Eunjin lied, returning to her doodles.

"Let's move on to problem eight."

Eunjin's phone silently vibrated in her pocket. She pulled it out to check what notifications were waiting for her. She hoped that her overseas friend had texted her back but alas instead it was the name she despised. Shen Ricky.

{ Shen Ricky }

So I'm forgettable??

Why are you texting me again
Why do you even have my number

I have my ways

So are you saying you're a stalker?

I just have your number
Idek why

Stop texting me.

Well I'm not gonna now that I know you don't want me to

I'm gonna block you

How are you gonna flaunt your scores if I'm blocked 🙃

You did not just use that emoji

Well it looks like I did soooo

I'm blocking you

It's not my fault I'm a better student than you



Eunjin rolled her eyes once more. She actually despised Ricky. She decided she should stop thinking about that annoying brat and focus on the lesson.

I feel bad for his future girlfriend...I mean is he even going to get a girlfriend with that personality? Looks aren't everything, she thought. Well there's arranged marriages I guess, but who even does those anymore?

The rest of the lecture flew by and before Jiyeon knew it, the bell was rang. She packed up her things, preparing to leave. The professor quickly erased everything written on the front whiteboard.

"Well that's all for today," the professor announced. Eunjin had packed up a bit late so when everyone was stepping out of the room she was still packing up her notebook. She stopped for a brief moment to glance down at her phone. It's not like her friends were waiting on her or anything. They were used to her wandering alone to the library under her parents' command for extra studying. Eunjin noticed a small shadow masking her phone screen. It wasn't hers, so whose was it? Eunjin looked up to see the owner of the shadow. She regretted looking up.

"What are you doing here? The lesson is over" she told him.

"Did you seriously block me?" Ricky said, coldly. He hadn't believed her when she said that she would block him.

"Yes??" she answered, wondering why he thought that she was joking. "Did you think that I was joking?"

Ricky didn't answer her.

Eunjin pulled up her previous conversation with Ricky on her phone. She shoved the screen in his face to show him that he was blocked. Eunjin quickly zipped up her backpack and left the classroom without saying anything else.


Eunjin walked across campus back to her dorm. The university that she attended had a rather stunning campus and was one of the top schools in the nation. She admired how nice of a day it was, trying to erase Ricky from her thoughts. Eunjin knocked on the door to her dorm. One of her roomates, Kim Haewon, opened the door for her.

"There you are!" Haewon exclaimed. She turned around to face the main room where their other two roomates sat.

Since four of them were living together their had a rather large dorm. They had a main room where they had a small couch and then two rooms with two beds in each.

"Did something happen?" her other roommate, Choi Nari, asked her. "You look kinda pissed."

"I am pissed" Eunjin responded, entering the room. She placed down her bag by the entrance and took a seat in the main room next to her roommates. "Shen Ricky happened, again."

Her three roommates all rolled their eyes. They were all aware of Eunji's long hateful relationship with Ricky. They had been classroom rivals since elementary. Their rivalry eventually turned into a hateful relationship.

"What did he do this time?" Eunjin's third roomate, Aecha asked.

"Okay, so basically" Eunjin ergonomically shifted her position on the couch. "Since no one else was volunteering I answered Professor Kwon's problem. She praised me saying how I was the top student of our class and then that stupid bitch speaks up and is all like 'one of the top.'"

"Did he really?" Haewon couldn't believe that someone would do that.

"Of course he did," Nari rolled her eyes. "That's such a Ricky thing to do."

"It definitely is something he would do. I shouldn't even be surprised anymore" Eunjin let out a long and heavy sigh. "Just  two more months before we graduate. After that I don't have to see him ever again."


ty for reading!

Inherited Love - Ricky (ZEROBASEONE) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now