Chapter Two

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Eunjin sat in her comfy clothing on the couch with Aecha, blanket covering the two. She had no plans for the rest of the evening so she decided to shower and change clothes earlier than she normally did. Her and Aecha were rather close. They had been roommates every year that they had attended the university. Aecha laid her head on Eunjin's shoulder, resting it there.

"What are you going to do after we graduate?" Aecha asked Eunjin.

Eunjin put down her phone to answer her friend. "Probably get a job, and a house or something."

"Rich people things," Aecha muttered.

"We should roommate together again after we graduate" Eunjin suggested. "So we're not lonely. Haewon and Nari both have boyfriends."

"Fiancé now, for Haewon" Aecha corrected her. "I guess they really just wanna get married as soon as we graduate."

"She's actually doing things with her life" Eunjin sighed, thinking she should try to do the same. "What should we do for dinner? Haewon and Nari left on their double date."

"Hmmmm" Aecha thought about it.

There was a notification sound from someone's phone. Aecha and Eunjin weren't sure whose phone it was.

"I don't think it's mine" Eunjin spoke. "I have notifications off for everyone that aren't my relatives."

"Well I just checked my phone and it's not mine" Aecha said. "Check your phone. Your parents probably texted you or something. Maybe just checking up on your studies."

"They probably are," Eunjin sighed, annoyed. "I appreciate that they look out for me but sometimes they care too much about my studies. I mean my grades are always stable so they're just causing more work for themselves."

Eunjin unlocked her phone, expecting to see the familiar words that she always saw, 'How are your grades?' She was rather surprised when she saw something she rarely saw anymore from her parents.

{ Mom and Dad }

Eunjin-ah, we're meeting mine and Dad's family friends for a work dinner
You need to join us

Here's the address and time
XXXX XXXXX street at 19:00

Alright, I'll meet you there

Eunjin gently lifted Aecha's head off of her shoulder. She lifted up the blanket off of her, placing it back on Aecha. Aecha looked a bit confused at Eunjin's random action, wondering what her parents messaged her about.

"What did your parents say?" Aecha asked her friend.

Eunjin let out a sigh, one of her hands on her temples. "Apparently I'm supposed to be meeting my parents' family friends for a work dinner today."

"What time?"

Eunjin looked down at her phone to check the time. It was currently 18:15. She was left with 45 minutes to get ready and drive there. She didn't even know how far this family lived from campus.

"In 45 minutes," Eunjin groaned. "Why do they always give me last minute notices?"

"Makes me kind of glad that my parents aren't big time CEOs" Aecha blurted out loud, earning a glare from Eunjin.

Inherited Love - Ricky (ZEROBASEONE) (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now