Chapter 2:

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Lady Lesso pov:

I hate this day. It's the day that all the new students arrive and ask questions, and of course they look to me, their dean, for answers. Then of course is the welcoming assembly where I have to deal with all of the Evers and Dovey. God, she drives me insane. 

Oh look, here come the first years now.

Excuse me, ma'am. You seem to be in charge, and I am in the wrong school. Fuck why would anyone want to be an Ever! Ooh! How distressful. And improbable. Back up. Your name? actually, you know what, I'm wanna guess it. A reader, great. You won't know it. We'll see about that. Mm, Sophie. Of Gavaldon. Did I guess it? I always do. Here comes the denial. There must be a mistake. I clear- JUST SHUT UP ALREADY READER!! you're the reader. Can she hear the distaste and ignoring it, or is she just extremely stupid. I read, if that's what you mean. Stupid, definitely just stupid. Shh, shh, shh. It's not. Every so often, a very lucky candidate from the outside is selected from admission to this hallowed institution. We call them... Readers. Because you only get to read about the amazing adventures that originate here. Now, please, excuse me. I have fresh villainy to attend to. Showtime! smooth exit.

Charlie pov:

The giant bird dropped yn off at the shiny school! Why didn't it drop me as well, maybe it's taking me home, God, I hope it is. Yes! That's right, keep flyin- AAAAAAAARRRRGGGHHH!!! For fucks sake! Why does this water have to be so cold and dirty. I come from a good family, and I'm going to get yn and leave. I've had enough of this shit! Though, I would like some answers, so as soon and I find them I'm leaving with my twin.

Giant wolves that can talk, weird but awesome! They're clearly making sure everyone enters through this door, so it has to be the best way to find someone in charge, and honestly, I need it to be. Why's it so dark through this tunnel? I don't understand why someone doesn't just build some windows or hang a light. It's not that hard people.

As I entered the main hall, I think it is , someone instantly caught my attention. She's wearing this suit that's fully black, and it highlights her figure perfectly, and is hot as fuck. This stranger has curly red hair atop her head, but not bright red like a fire, but deep red like blood. And she has a cane, she was leaning on it but I think she could easily walk without it.

Wait, shit, she's talking, and I've missed it! How did I miss it? Fuck, how could I get so distracted so easily? I've made my decision, she's going to be the only person that I want to get my answers from.

Yn pov:

I zoned out while the princess and the other girl talked, I didn't want to hear more insults, I had learnt how to find Charlie and that was all I wanted to know. The princesses had started to walk away so I guess they were done talking to us.

Hi, my name's yn. I introduce myself to her, may as well, right. Oh hey, I'm Agatha. Do you know how to get to the other school? Agatha questioned. Do I look like I know?! No, sorry. I don't even know where here is, let alone the other school. Since when was this a school is my question. Looks more like a castle for royalty then for smelly teenagers to me. Oh. Well, I don't know much either, only what my friend told me. There's really not much about it, I think. This school that we're at trains hero's and the other one trains the villains. Were you carried here by a giant bone bird? Agatha Informed me. Yeah, I was. There was someone else with me who wasn't dropped here, do you know where he will be? I asked, my tone laced with worry and confusion, both evident on my face as well. If he was brought here by the same bird as you then he will probably be in the other school right now. Come on, let's go find out. Agatha presumed. God, I hope she's right, I don't want to stay here any longer then I have to. I mean yeah, I hate my life back home but it's all I've ever known. And I HATE new things, so a whole new life won't help me much. At least back home I knew the strength levels of my parents and Charlie, here everything is ne, everyone is new. And I don't know a single thing about it.

All I did was hum in agreement, a sign I understood and was ready to look for my twin and her friend. Just as we were about to start making our way to the other school a number of fairies flew to us. What! We're leaving! Agatha yelled. Why is she talking to them? I don't think they can hear or understand us. Oh no, why are they picking us up?! Hey stop doing that! Stop! Put me down! I like Agatha I do, but these things aren't going to put us down and she needs to understand that. She clearly doesn't though as she keeps yelling, while all I do is tense. What else am I to do? All I can I prepare for the impact and pain, just like always.

The fairies brought us to school, which really is just a castle, and dropped us there before flying off. Rude. I mumbled under my breath. We both walked into the school annoyed that we couldn't just leave. As we entered what I think to be the great hall, all of the actual princesses turned and looked at us as if we were most disgusting thing in the world. Yes, we are covered in mud and dirt, and I have bruises littering my entire body, our appearance doesn't deserve this sort of look. Oh, we must be in hell. Agatha whispered, sounding about ready to jump out the window in order to get away. I covered my life as we walked towards a door on the left, us sharing a look that told us we were feeling the same thing about this place.

As we entered the room Agatha whispered to me that we well and truly were in hell, something I couldn't help but agree with. Inside the room there were small baths, 4 of them, one on each wall in the dead centre of it. In the middle of the room were mirrors and makeup stations that have been outlined by beautiful roses of the lightest pinks. I can't help but gape at it, even Agatha was, so it really did have to be a magnificent sight.

Well, hello. I see you found the Groom Room. Well done, Agatha of Gavaldon and yn of Woods Beyond. A bubbly voice spoke to us full of happiness and energy. This room was empty two seconds ago so how is someone standing right there! I didn't want to talk to her, her smile was so intense I was certain that it was only for a false sense of security. I wasn't going to be lured in so easily, especially to someone who's trying so hard to make a good first impression. Might I suggest you clean up a bit before orientation? Or perhaps clean up a lot. Okay rude much. We were just dropped by a giant bone bird, and then flown here by fairies! She could lay off of it. How do you know our names? I inquire. It was suspicious enough before, but now there's little to now chance I'm leaving this room without getting a new bruise or cut. Because I've been expecting you. I am professor Dovey, here to help however I can. Help, me, us? I don't understand why she would want to help us, but if the offer it open I may as well find Charlie because of it.

authors note: Sorry if it's bad, I'm trying. It's really long I know. I tried describing the groom room but it really wasn't that good.

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