chapter 11

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3rd person pov:

As Hester's bird attacked the poor never girl, the entire class and teacher laughed at her. Sophie's fear only grew as she realised no one was coming to help her, she had to do this on her own. The girl grabbed a book at the creature in the face, giving her a split second to breathe before the bird came back faster and harder than before. Hort's advice of calling her squirrel friends made it to Sophie as she ran to the window and called out for help. To the rest of the class however this was seen as a last ditch attempt to not die at the hands of Hester. Just when the demon was close to Sophie, a swarm of bees flew through the window and attacked it, pushing it up to the cealing. The bees ruthlessly attacked the demon so much that Lady Lesso had to warn the young reader she wasn't allowed to kill anyone until graduation. Sophie called off the bees, and they poured down from the cealing, a man's body being built out of bees.

Rafal... Lady Lesso's voice was soft, it wasn't meant to be but it was. You're doing wonderfully... Sophie. He flew out the window before anyone had a sense of what had just happened. As the students ran over to the whimpering hester, Lady Lesso grabbed Sophies arm and led her down a staircase. Unkown to Lesso, the other reader followed her and Sophie, curious as to what had just happened.

Who was that? Who is Rafal? A valid question, really. Do not say his name again. Not to anyone but me. That perked the hidden boy's ears. For a way to talk to his dean, he'd say this guys name. who is he, and how does he know me? Sophie was desperate for any answers, even if she didn't like them. Shh. He's the School Master's brother. He was once the most powerful being in our school. Evil hasn't beaten Good ever since he disappeared. But somehow, your powers... your powers have drawn his attention. The hidden reader thought this was good enough of an aswer, but just as he was about to leave he heard Sophie continue to talk.

I didn't know I had powers. I don't want powers. I want to go- The never boy stuck around just so he could hear Lesso yell at the young lass, why wouldn't he? Oh, stop your whining! What you just did in thst classroom is proof to me that you are exactly where you belong! It's not what we are. It's what we do, Sophie. Now go. And tell no one. And if Rafal visits you again, you must tell me immediately. Go, go. At those words Charlie sprinted up the stairs as quietly as he could, Sophie just enough behind to not see him. If she really is the one, Rafal... I'll do everything in my power to deliver her to you. After her promise to herself Lady Lesso walked up the stairs back into the classroom. All the students had already left, so Lesso locked the door after her and went to her study. Needing a drink after the unexpected events that had happened in her classroom.

(the third person pov and yn pov is happening at the same time)

Yn pov:

Dovey walked through the halls and left the building, heading ouside where, oh so convientantly there are chairs set up. I was about to ask Dovey what this class was about, but considering how that went down last lesson I decided to skip asking that question. I walked to one of the front seats and sat down, and I look down at the ground, nervously waiting for other students to arrive. The only thing I notice is Dovey sit down on the ground next me and I give her a short look. Are you alright dearie? I know I was harsh in my office, but I want you to know that if you ever need someone to talk to I'm here. I'm only ever rarely that harsh. Her voice is soft, as if she's pleading me to think of her as a good person. I want to just stay quiet or agree, but something comes over her and I just can't. I scoff before answering. Yeah, apparently it's only ever a rare occasion when someone acts like that towards me. Well shit. I really shouldn't have said that, now she's going to ask questions and I don't want to give her answer.

What do you mean by that dearie? Who treats you badly yn? Why is her voice so inviting, it almost makes me want to give in, but telling one dean is enough for me. I don't need the two of them talking about me to each other comparing stories or anything. Nothing, my brother is just being a brother I guess. Back home. It's not like it's exactly a lie, I mean Charlie was doing what a normal does and a bit extra I guess. This must've been enough for Dovey because she gets up and takes a few steps before looking back at me. You don't want to do these classes, I understand that yn. And I'm willing to cut you a deal. My head rises at this. A deal is a two way street, and what could I ever have to give to her. She must've taken my silence as sign to coninue talking because before I have a chance to respond she starts talking again.

If you do the wish fish lesson now, I will allow you to take part in the prince lesson when the period starts. I know she's hoping I won't accept, but I won't waste this opportunity considering it might be my only one. I nod my head and stand up. What's the lesson? Dovey sighed and walked over to the water. Place one finger into the water and wish fish will come and show you your greatest wish. If your wish is pure enough it will come true. She said that with such enthusiasm I nearly backed out just so she would calm down.

I hesitantly walked over to the waters edge and dipped my finger in. I felt the tingle of the fish against my finger, and I hoped for dear life that Lesso wouldn't show up. Professor Dovey was watching, which kinda restricted what my wish could be, but I knew it was whatever was in my heart, so I didn't really get a choice. The fish started to move and I saw the aurban hair before the face but I knew she was in my wish. What was strangest of all is that I didn't even know what my wish would be, but knowing it had Lesso in it worried me. The wish fish, as Dovey called them, finished the picture of Lesso. That's all it was, it didn't give me anything other than the evil dean and confusion rushed over my features, what's worse is distraught flashed over Dovey's.

Was something wrong with my wish? I know the dean of evil isn't the best thing to be what my heart wants, but surely it can't be that bad, right? I slowly take my finger from the water and turn to Dovey. Professor Dovey? What does that mean? I need to know, if I don't it'll eat me up inside. It means... it means your greatest wish in life is Lady Lesso. For what I don't know, all I do know is to be happy she is in your future. Her tone is sad and I know what it means. I won't be happy, at least not in my far future, because Lesso being in my future has an zero percent chance of happening. Oh. D-do I still get to participate with the princes today? My voice is sad, and I pray she understands I don't want to think about it now. Dovey gives a small nod and I quietly slide away to the boys training room.

I only know where it was because I've been planning how to get here since beautification, I can't stand that class. I walk into the changing room and grab some gear before walking into a restroom and getting changed. When I walk out princes are there staring at me gobsmacked. I give a slight smile and walk out of the room, I hear the whispers as I leave but honestly I don't really care. I'm in this class thanks to Dovey, and they're about to be even more shocked by my skills. I see professor Sader and walk up to him, and he gives me a nod. I heard he's a seer so he probably saw me coming here for his class.

Just wait for the others please yn. I give a small nod and stand awkwardly waiting for the others silently until I can't anymore. Can I ask you something professor? I have to know, and if he doesn't it might acutally be something I can't find out. Of course, yn. What is bothering you? I sigh and take a moment to answer. I don't know If I'm more scared of the answer he'll give, or if he can't answer it. Do you know what it means if a wish fish shows me someone's face? I blurt out the question as fast as I can, nervousness taking over me slightly. Ah. Yes, seeing someone's face in your wish can be problematic for some people. But alas, I cannot tell you why you saw Lady Lesso as your wish. It is for you to decide, and find out. The answers are out there if you know where to look. I can't tell you where to look but just know, some books are only for the schoolmaster to read. He's voice was steady and I know he wasn't going to give me anything more, but I was grateful for what he did. I was a bit confused on how he knew it was Lesso as my entire dream, but I guess it must be the same way he found out my name.

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