Chapter 15

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yn pov:

I want to respond to Lesso, I really do, but for some reason I can't. All I can think about is seeing Lesso in my wish, a wish I didn't even know I had, and know I've disappointed her for a shit reason. God, I ruin everything. I feel myself start to lose focus on the world, my mind starting to go foggy and my eyes blurring, worst of all is that I can't stop it no matter how hard I try. All I'm thinking about is my goddamn wish and how stupid must be to wish for the DEAN OF EVIL, who is not allowed to date students, let alone evers. I'm already thinking of ways to make us work when I CAN'T LIKE HER.

My mind continues to fog and all I can see is Lesso's face in that water, Dovey's mortified look, and Sader's calming smile. I don't even know what I'm meant to do now, I can't move or think straight and Lesso is right in front of me. Something changes in my mind and it's like presence is there, however, I can't communicate with it how I can communicate when Lesso is in my mind. It doesn't feel like Lesso which I guess is a good thing considering all I'm thinking about is my wish, and I don't want her to know about it yet. I don't remember what happened next, but it felt as if all the power and light were being drained from my body and I had nothing but emptiness inside of me. The next thing I know Lesso is screaming my name before the light in my blurred vision drains and everything just goes black.

Charlie pov:

I don't know this guy, but if he can talk to me through a mirror, I guess he must be powerful. Okay, Rafal, why are you talking to me? No point saying that I don't know who he is, I don't know any of the people here. I want you to join me, Charlie, I want you to help me. His voice is eerily calm, and his eyes raise as if to say I've got no choice. Why should I? What does helping you even look like? I should just say yes, but I want to know if it's worth it. Wait-Rafal, Lesso was talking to Sophie about a guy called Rafal, and now that I think about it the bee guy from class looked a strange amount like the guy in my mirror. Shit, this is the Rafal Lesso was talking about. It looks like evil finally winning again, the good streak gone, never to be had again. All you have to do is devote yourself to me, do as I say, and I promise that you will get what your heart truly desires. Rafal's eyes never leave mine and I can't help but feel as though he is searching my soul.

How could you know what my heart desires? I ask skeptically, I mean he couldn't know my heart, could he? You want many things in life, Charlie, but that is a good thing. I can give you respect and power, but that doesn't appeal a whole lot to you, does it? So, I have something better to offer you, love. Help me and I guarantee you that Lady Lesso will fall for you, and only you, as well yn will lose all of her attention. You will take it all from your twin for yourself, and you will love it. Rafal smirks slightly at me after he tells me his offer as if he knows this will be enough to get me to join, and it is. I want to say no and tell him that I will get Lesso's heart my own way but after what I saw in yn's room I'm starting to doubt my abilities. I let out a long sigh before looking Rafal straight in the eye. Lady Lesso said to go to her the second you visit, so why shouldn't I go to her office right now? I'm praying that he can't sense fear because I'm about to shit my pants.

I don't think you'd want to go up there right now, Lesso is quite busy with your sister Ella. He's mocking me and for a split second, I let his words get to me. You're lying. I breathe out, my voice full of venom. Really, am I? One of the shards of the mirror starts to fog and show Lesso and yn in her office, yn straddling Lesso. I can't help the red that starts to cloud the sides of my vision, the way my breathing deepens, or how much I want to punch my sister right now. How could she do this to me? She's the disappointment and yet she thinks she has the right to be this close to MY dean?

All logical thoughts of saying no to Rafal and his offer disappear from my head and all I think about is getting back at yn. What do I need to do? Somehow my voice sounds even more ready to kill than before, like I'm reaching new levels of hate and jealousy that I didn't have before. Just help Sophie, help her become the villain she's meant to be. His eyes show that he isn't lying, and I doubt he's lied to me at all tonight. The other reader? Why is she so important? My face scrunches up slightly as I ask, why is Sophie involved at all? She just is Charlie, just as you are important. But don't worry, you don't have to do anything really, just be her friend and help her be as evil as she possibly can. Rafal's orders are so direct I don't dare backchat; I only nod slowly and the man in the mirror smiles slightly. Good, I'm sure we'll see each other again soon. Rafal says almost menacingly before his face disappears from my mirror and I'm left in silence.

My anger at yn is still there as I think of her and Lesso, but it doesn't burn inside of me anymore, it doesn't change me into a brainless animal. Instead, it fades to the back of my mind and closes myself off to everything else. I look around my room and the mess I've made, not looking forward to my dormmates asking about the destruction. Next thing I know the room is rebuilt the way it was before, not a thing out of place, you wouldn't even know that I ruined it ten minutes ago. It must've been Rafal because no one else with the magical ability to do it has been overly kind to me, and I don't exactly know how much magic it would take to do it.

Authors note:

I know, I'm shit when it comes to updating this thing. School just finished for the term and I went on a holiday with my friend who doesn't know I'm writing this. Actually, she doesn't know I'm gay at all. Anyway, I'll try to be better and get more updates on this out, though I can't promise they'll be as frequent as they were a month ago.

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