chapter 9

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yn pov:

As we enter Dovey's office she looks up and a small frown makes its way onto her face, probable the largest frown she's ever done hearing what other people say about her personality. I don't know if I should've waited for Dovey to tell me to sit, but I walk over and sit on one of her chairs nevertheless. It takes a second before professor Anemone sits down next to me, but the frown takes a moment longer before leaving Dovey's face. What happened professor Anemone? I look at my beauty teacher before looking out the window, the sounds of swords clashing still audible.

Maybe you should ask the reader Dovey. Of course, I roll my eyes. I have to say it, because if I don't who knows what will happen. Professor Anemone wanted me to smile so I did. Then she asked if I was listening to her and I told her I wasn't considering how useless it is. I mean, the boys get to practise sword fighting, something that can actually help them, and the girls are just sitting behind desks learning how to smile. Both professors just looked at me dumbfounded before Dovey sighed and opened her mouth.

You can't say that. Look, all you had to do was spend one day here and already you have gotten into trouble. You have a new start here, a life full of magic and wonder, a chance at a happily ever after for yourself. Why won't you make the most of it? How did her tone stay cheerful through that lecture? At home I would've been in tears and covering my ears because of the noise, so why aren't I now? I can't let her get to me, she's just like everyone else, I have to keep my walls strong. I am. The school master said it himself, I'm half never, so what could you expect of me?

I didn't think I would be able to say that. All of it. And with an even voice, I wouldn't even be able to think about it if I was at home, so why am I now? Once again both professors were looking at me like I was a monster with human skin, I didn't even get at home, so why am I now? Eventually Dovey just waved her hand a couple of times. Oh my...I uh well yes-but I, there are still rules in place. This is a warning before you're taken off groom room for a month. She can't be serious, can she? I didn't even get the hot water at home, but I'm not about to say that. The door suddenly opened at Lady Lesso stood there. Staring. At. Me.

3rd person pov:

Agatha walked from the classroom slowly, turning to look at yn one more time before walking from the room, going to find Sophie at lunch. As she sat down on a table, a prince came up to her. She didn't really listen, she was only there to look for a prince for her best friend, not one for herself. Once Sofie came into view from Agatha's spot she dismissed the prince, in order to have time to talk with the never. Both told each other of their fails of their past classes, Sophie being quiet shocked that Agatha failed smiling. Smiling. How could someone fail smiling, the never asked. Her best friend the ever just waved away the question and started to talk about how she'd found Sophie a prince, a good prince, an available prince. Of course, being herself, Sophie of Gavaldon decides she wants prince Tedros. The most unavailable and out of her league prince she could pick, but hey, to her he's got a pretty face and a famous dad. What could go wrong?

Authors note:

Sorry this one is so short, schools been crazy and I need to update this. I'll get a new full chapter out soon. Happy day/night!

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