Chapter 7

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Yn pov:

I woke up to professor Dovey's voice echoing throughout my dorm room, that was sadly filled with other people. The random princesses around the room all said good morning to me, and I couldn't help but feel a sickening flip in my stomach. I couldn't look at them, let alone say good morning back instead I just get out of my bed, find some nice clothes in my cupboard, and go into the bathroom to change.

 I couldn't look at them, let alone say good morning back instead I just get out of my bed, find some nice clothes in my cupboard, and go into the bathroom to change

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(I'm to lazy to describe the outfit so this is it

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(I'm to lazy to describe the outfit so this is it. If you don't like it you can pick another)

I walked out of the bathroom and all of my roommates looked at me with shock and awe, and I couldn't help but once again feel a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach. What? I asked, slightly pissed off that everyone was looking at me. You-you look like a real princess. Not a reader. One of the princesses answer me, and I couldn't help but smile at their words. Maybe I am. I retort before leaving to go find Agatha at breakfast. Once I found her I noticed a pair of eyes on me from afar and I turned around and saw that it was Lady Lesso. I turn back around and keep walking to Agatha.

Hey! Agatha who's your friend? I asked, obviously I'm referring to the never. Oh! Hey yn, this is- Agatha started. I'm Sophie, I'm meant to be a princess so there is nothing to worry about. She tells me. I'm wasn't worried. You look to pretty to be a never anyways. I inform her, making her blush. So, what lessons do you have in the school for good? Sophie asks, trying to hide her face. Beautification, something about animals, something about the blue forest, things like that. I respond happily. That's so cool! She says. All of a sudden professor Dovey taps me on my shoulder, and asks to see me in her office.

I come along and ask her what she needs. It's sort of dire, dear. She nervously says. I look around and see Lady Lesso as well as the headmaster. What is this? I ask cautiously. I am trying my hardest to not jump to conclusions but it's hard when the three most important people in the school have asked to see you in urgency. You were put in the wrong school. Once the headmaster said that a part of me laughed, but another cried. So I'm a never now, I don't see what's so dire about that. I was lying, I could easily tell that it would be terrible if a never was placed as an ever. I wasn't going to say that though. It's dire because you aren't an ever, but you also aren't a never. The headmaster said like it was a normal thing. What the fuck? This is not normal, if I'm not an ever or never than what am I? Are you even listening to him, my dear? Dovey. That was Dovey. I have to respond, I know that, I just can't seem to put words together. I don't even know what it means. I'm listening, I just don't understand how I can't belong in either school.

Lady Lesso pov:

I had woken in a slightly better mood this morning, and I couldn't help but think it because of my princess, yn. I had swore I wasn't going to think of her this morning, but that was ruined when Dovey ran up to me on my way to the breakfast and told me something was wrong with yn. I didn't let it show, I couldn't, but I felt the smallest wave of worry pass through me at those words. Dovey didn't even let me respond, she just grabbed my cane and walked through the halls until we reached her study. My half good mood had already vanished as quickly as it had came, and I don't think it is coming back anytime soon. The schoolmaster was already there, sitting in the seat behind Dovey's desk, so I just walked and sat on her couch. It's way to soft to be normal.

Dovey ran out of the room and I'm guessing she's going to fetch yn. I still don't know what this is about but I'm clearly wanted here, and after last night, and I don't exactly want to leave something that involves yn. Dovey comes back in with yn, and I don't listen to what they're saying, I just watch yn and her reactions. Soon enough the headmaster speaks up about her not being an ever, but also not a never, and I start listening. If he is planning to kick yn out, I'm not going to let it happen, I'm not letting my princess go back to that place. I'm listening, I just don't understand how I can't belong in either school. Yn. Good to know I'm not the only one who doesn't know what the schoolmaster means by this, I'm not showing it, but I understand about as much as yn. Yn, you don't belong in either school because you belong in both.

My head turns to the schoolmaster but my face stays emotionless. You want her to attend my school? I had to ask, I couldn't not, yn wasn't attending my school. Yes. Yes I do Lady Lesso, and she will be attending both school. One a day, today the school for good and tomorrow the school for evil. This is not up for discussion, the decision has been made. Of course he has already decided this, why did I even think that there would be a way to stop this. Instead, I stand up and walk to the door before turning to yn. I'll see you tomorrow. With that I leave the office and go back to my school, my mood turned sour, and in no way looking forward to having to teach a class.

I walk into my school, and I see students trying to hide behind pillars, that brought me some joy, but not nearly enough to lighten my mood. Yn. She was going to be attending this school. I couldn't live with that, with her history, and now she has to attend my school. I couldn't let this affect me, yn would have to learn to live with my school, no matter how much I didn't want her to. As I was thinking about this I walked into my classroom and leaned on my desk, waiting for the students to enter.

As I was teaching my class, the anger I felt about yn coming here tomorrow kept growing, so much that the hand I was holding my cane in had white knuckles. As soon as the lesson ended all of my students sprinted from the classroom, it was a fair reaction, I had been on edge all lesson and I wasn't exactly staying calm. I walked from the classroom into my office, and poured myself a large glass of whiskey, and downed it in one shot. I had to sop thinking about it, about her, it was getting me nowhere, and I have class later I can't simply let her take over my mind without reason.

Yn pov:

She just left. She just walked out. And I couldn't believe it. I don't know why I couldn't, she's the dean of evil, I had to expect something like this. I couldn't have just expected that because of last night she would just be nice to me, I can't believe how naïve I am. Dovey must know that there isn't anything she could do about it because all she did was put her hand on my shoulder and give a small smile. So what? I just have to attend both schools! How is that even possible? You put me in this school, I-I meant to be an ever. I tried to reason with him. I couldn't go to that school, it would be just like home and I wouldn't be able to survive it. I'm sorry dear yn, but you must. Don't worry, you will still reside here, in the school for good, every night no matter which school you attended that day. Now, professor Dovey if you could guide Miss yln here to beautification I would be most appreciative. The school master spoke all that so easily, as if it isn't life altering information! It didn't matter, I couldn't do anything about except go along so I let Dovey lead me out of the office and through the halls to beautification.

Author's note:

Sorry about the long wait, school started and I really just didn't work on it for a while. Anyways, it means a lot to me that you are reading this story. Enjoy!

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