Chapter 4:

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Lady Lesso pov:

I sat down in my chair at the front of the great hall and couldn't help the look of disgust that crept its way onto my face. As soon as I sat down, Dovey started talking about her morning expecting me to be listening, caring, but I wouldn't. I'm never interested in what she has to say, which is why I can't help but roll my eyes whenever she opens her mouth.

After what felt like hours, she finally stopped talking because of all the students that had started to file through the doors. I'm actually surprised that my students didn't do anything too extravagant on their way over. Just as the final students walked through the door a princess caught my eye, and she was both the best and worst princess I'd ever seen.

Before taking her seat like anyone else she turned at what was probably the mention of her name. The princess turned around to face one of my Nevers, and started talking as if she knew him. If they knew each other I would figure out how, I swore to myself, but I don't know why I cared so much. And I hated that I did, but I couldn't help but feel a pull towards her, one that I would try to diminish as soon as possible.

One of my guards quickly came and shut down the conversation, something that brought the smallest of smiles to my face. Are you smiling Lesso? Dovey's shocked voice exclaimed. Jesus Christ, she can never just leave me alone. No, I'm not Clarissa. I growl back, making my point even more obvious by the glare I send her. I watched as the young girl took her seat and moved her eyes over my nevers before stopping once she found the boy she was talking to before.

My counterpart and I started the welcoming ceremony the way we do any other year, my gaze never turning to the random girl, even though I can feel hers on me. Soon Clarissa's princes entered preparing to preform their stupid routine that I've got to endear every fucking year. I heard what had to be a small snicker at the performance coming from the ever side, which has probably never happened due to the stuck-up nature of every person attending Clarissa's school.

My eyes instantly attached to the out of place princess, who once realizing that I was looking at her, a blush erupted onto her features. I knew right then that I couldn't let this opportunity pass, and I had to do something to mess with the girl. Are you bored here, my darling? I say in her mind. The look of confusion that made it's way onto the girls face was priceless, but enough for me to know she wasn't going to answer me. Answer my question. I say to her, my tone is firm instead of the amused one I used when I first asked her. The girls eyes that were back on me already continued to fill with confusion and worry. Y-yeah, I guess I am. She respond shyly. How does someone stutter in their own head?

Cute. Never seen a princess bored from princes before. That much was true, all the princesses around her were enjoying the embarrassing spectacle going on in front of them. Who are you? her voice somewhat shaky questions. I thought my voice was noticeable, but there was also the fact that everyone knows I can enter someone's mind and am the only person in the school who can do that. Lady Lesso. And I'm talking to you because you've peaked my interest, and that's hard to do, especially if you're a princess. I hate explaining myself to people, it makes it look as if I care if they do or don't, but why I was in her head was probably going to be her next question so I may as well answer it now. Am I supposed to be flattered to have your attention? And I'm not a princess, I was flown here by a huge dumb bird and all I want is to go home.

Now a lot of things make sense, why she wasn't ogling at the princes, why she didn't instantly realise it was me in her head, and why she looked so God damn uncomfortable by her surroundings. She's a reader, but why she isn't talking to the other reader right next to her is still a question. Going home is impossible, darling. Never been done before, and never will be. Meet me after the ceremony and I'll explain what I can. You look like a princess, by the way. Have fun with your princesses, sweetheart. The show in the middle of the hall was ending, so I started to leave her mind before I had to say anything. Wait! What do you mean impossible! Where do I meet you! I wanted to answer her questions for some unknown reason, but I didn't, considering I'd already shown more interest in her then I have any of my actual duties as a dean in this fucking orientation.

Once Tedros had, much to my dismay, beaten the never he was fighting, he was distracted by another causing him to throw his rose onto the lap of the reading sitting next to the not princess. A small interaction between the two was all that was necessary, and yet, unsatisfied by her reaction, Tedros turned to my princess. And yes, I know it's highly unprofessional to call this girl mine, but it's not like I'm going to let her be anyone else's before I know why I'm drawn to her. Your friend needs to learn respect. I'm going to be a king one day. Tedros spoke those words with such venom.

No, I think you're the one who needs to learn respect. And being a king will mean nothing if your head is to big for you crown. My princess replied, just as harsh, but I could tell for some unknown reason she was scared. And not scared about how she replied, though that probably added to the fear, but more about the fact that she did reply at all. I looked over to the never she was talking to before and he looked more shocked then anyone in the great hall, more shocked then my princess herself.

Charlie pov:

I was interrupted mid conversation with yn by this extremely rude wolf guard that I once found awesome. Yn only got hissed at by a fairy, and I got the scary wolf, not fucking fair! The assembly started but I didn't pay it a flying fuck, all my attention was directed at my dean, Lady Lesso. All at once princes started to waltz into the hall, this might just be the perfect time to catch Lady Lesso's eyes.

But the entire time the fucking princes were dancing Lady Lesso had her eyes on yn! My twin, who is nothing more then a scared little girl, had caught the attention of the dean of Evil. I would figure out why, I would figure out how, and I would find a way to do it myself. Yn looked shocked and confused, but that then changed into calmness, I don't know why I don't know because of what, but yn was experiencing something no one in this entire hall knows. And I wanted to find out, maybe it was why Lady Lesso was currently looking at her like she was somewhat important, even though yn is the most unimportant thing in this entire world.

I wanted to pay attention to the rest of the assembly, but I was to busy trying to figure out what yn has that I don't. And sure, Lady Lesso might not think about yn like that, but right now, she's thinking about yn at all which is more then she is of me. This is the first time I've ever had a reason to dislike my twin, and I let the feeling spread, she might not know it, or want it. But yn is in my way to get close to Lady Lesso, like it or not.

People had started to move around me, leaving the hall, which was the first indication to me that the assembly was over and that I talk to yn soon. But yn didn't leave like she was supposed to, after most of the students and staff had left, yn slowly made her way over to the deans. Not if I can help it.

I walked straight up to yn as fast as I could. What the hell was that yn? I growled at her. What was what? Yn asked me back. You! since when do you talk back to people, or speak your mind, or not be a total pussy! I wanted to know so badly why she was acting like a totally different person here from how she acted back home. What? you mean taking punches with my mouth sewn shut. This is a new place Charlie and for once in my life I don't want to be seen as the scared little girl you and mum and dad think I am. Because for once in my life, I don't have a fist to me cheek every time I open my mouth, or you do anything. What was she talking about! She didn't get abused that badly, she was just overstating things.

Fuck you, yn! Your exaggerating things. Back home there wasn't rules you had to follow, there wasn't anything, no consequences for actions, nothing! And don't tell me that's only because I never got in trouble for anything because I did. You just got the worse punishment because you behaved worse then I did. You're selfish and stupid and should've been left at home! I tried to say everything calmly, with a monotone voice, but I let my anger get the better of me. I pushed yn to the ground as hard as I could, she didn't have the right to talk about mum and dad like that, she just didn't. You're just like them Charlie! Just like mother and father! Yn screamed at me, before running out of the hall with tears painting her face.

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