1-A fresh new start

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1-A fresh new start

Haneul's pov

This is it, the most important day I've been waiting for years. Today, I'm leaving home to go to my dream University, Yale University.

It's always been my number one destination I wanted since Freshman year and now that I actually got in, it's time to actually go study there.

Yale University isn't just your typical University, no it's one of those big leagues Universities. It's extremely hard to get in, only a few get accepted and I'm one of the lucky ones.

Funny enough I'm not the only one who got in and that will come to study with me across the country.

My best friend Jonathan got accepted too. He isn't nearly as smart as me but he's not too far behind, if he weren't, he wouldn't have got accepted.

Since Freshman year we were already both planning to go to that University. Yes, we are crazy to already think about college at 14 but look where it took us, we are the only ones in our school who got in.

Jonathan is lucky to have gotten in. He didn't get in at first as he was on the waiting list but I helped him do his essay for the University. Turns out it helped a lot because the members of the University liked it enough to accept him.

Through, I got in early, not surprising is it? I even got a scholarship which I gladly accept. I'm what we call a genius. I have all the smarts. I have exceptional smartness and yeah, I'm a nerd. I am dead serious about my studies. I don't have time to screw around and have fun, whatever that is.

I'd rather work and study for my future, a future everyone won't get because they preferred wasting their time by having fun.

So yeah, I'm dead serious in my studies and I never get sidelined to have fun, even if Jonathan tried to, it never worked.

I want to become a neurosurgeon. I know it's crazy to say when I'm just 17, not yet 18 but yeah I want to achieve that. Everyone thinks I am insane but I don't think so, I'll manage all those years of studies, I'm made for that job.

I don't get why people slack off so much, they aren't thinking of their future, the future is important. What you do now will impact your future.

In a way, I make sure to have the best reputation possible, when I graduated High school, I won the award for the most promising future.

Anyways, some people have asked me why Yale University and not the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Well, I think my university offers more options and gives better courses and credits overall.

I know it might seem dumb coming from me knowing I live in Los Angeles (L.A), the city that offers the best things and a bright future but I still prefer Yale University.

Yeah, moving across from the Country means going to leave in a dorm, I don't have the money for an apartment, not even if I share it with Jonathan.

As soon as I get there, I'm finding myself a job even if I will be swept with my studies. It's demanding the course I'm taking. Well, all Bachelor's degrees are hard but mine is the worst, it's a Bachelor's degree in Neuroscience.

I'm glad I don't have to worry about money like Jonathan will have to but I still want a job, I need to fend for myself.

So, I can't afford to slack off in any way possible.

Ok, today it's crazy that I'm leaving the city I grew up in and my family but I won't lose such a good opportunity just for my family's sake.

I'll miss my parents and my brother for sure, even some friends of his and his girlfriend. I'm not even close to them but hey, my brother's friends are always there, I've known them since Freshman year and my brother still has the same set of friends.

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