6-Bad blood

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6-Bad blood

Alex's pov

Things between Haneul and I weren't great for the first few weeks we shared our dorm but on labour weekend everything changed for the worse.

That weekend, I decided to invite my girlfriend, Madison for the first time in my dorm because I wanted her to see it. Haneul was working so it would be fine.

Things escalated between Mad and me as always but to our surprise we got caught naked by Haneul. She came home earlier than I thought.

I thought she would just ignore me like she always does but she didn't. Instead, she yelled at us.

She just started arguing with Madison and that's when all my respect for her disappeared.

Madison accused her of being homophobic and Haneul never denied it, instead, she got mad and yelled at my girlfriend to leave. I realized then that my roommate was one of those homophobes. I had entirely forgotten that she could be homophobic or that she was avoiding me because she suspected me of being gay.

Once Madison slammed the door and left, Haneul stared in a deadly cold glare at me and despite being my roommate she hasn't said a word to me since then.

It's one thing how she acted that night but knowing she's probably homophobic hurts even more. I came here to be free from my conservative town and family and also get to be out like I want to. Don't tell me I have to go back into the closet or limit myself to stuff because my roommate can't stand seeing two girls in love with each other.

I hate homophobic people a lot and close-minded people too, it's because of them I had to be closeted and couldn't live my life how I wanted for so long.

I've had so many homophobic friends in the past to know I never want to have one like that again.

I thought I could get along with Haneul before but after what she did and that I know she's homophobic, I no longer wish to get along with her. What she did was the last straw.

I can tolerate living with a homophobic roommate and besides I'm forced to but I don't want to become friends with one. I've had enough of those types of people.

So yeah, it's fair to say I have given up on talking to Haneul or even being nice to her. I don't have it in me to be nice after what she did.

Living under the same roof is tense and awkward. It already was that before but it's so much worse now.

Whenever we have to eat, we make sure to not be anywhere near each other, she makes sure to always leave whenever I'm there and the same for me. It's only when we sleep that we're in our shared dorm, then again we are in our own room.

Regardless, she does her own thing and I do the same. She buys her own food and I buy mine myself. We do nothing together.

I hate living in that tense atmosphere but if she doesn't have the guts to apologize, I won't either. I have done so much in my life and I'm fed up with it. Besides, I can't forgive her for what she did.

And I'm not the only one, Madison hates her too. She is still pissed at Haneul for having yelled at her and being homophobic.

Since then, Mad has been begging me to go sleep at hers to avoid Haneul, calling her a psycho but I refused on weekdays most of the time because it's better to be on campus. It's within walking distance!

Even if Haneul's behaviour annoys me to no end, I can't even vent to Mad because she's not having any of it every time I try to talk about Haneul. So, let's say the roommate topic is a big no.

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