4-Strained cohabitation

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4-Strained cohabitation

Alex's pov

It's been a few days since I moved into my dorm and so did my roommate but things haven't been the greatest dare I say.

Before meeting Haneul, I thought we would get along or even become friends but I wasn't prepared for what she told me that day.

Seriously, how can she possibly not hope to be friends or something? How could she reject my help like that? She did the same at the welcoming party.

It's as if as soon as she saw me, she hated me instantly. How could she reject my help? What's wrong with me? Carla never hated me in fact she became my best friend and my senior roommate I had back in my first year, helped me a lot

I have to help Haneul get used to New Heaven and University life but so far she has been rejecting all my advances.

I really don't understand Haneul at all. How can she be so mean to her roommate without any reason? I did nothing wrong. She doesn't have to be cold like that. I thought she just doesn't trust me but it seems like I was wrong, she really must hate me.

I tried talking to her and getting her to warm to me when I first met her but she wasn't having any of it and at the welcome party she flat out rejected my offer to introduce her to other. I don't get it, why is she shutting down the chance to get help settling down here? I'm here to help her and everything and yet it seems like she doesn't care. She's new, she can't do everything by herself, yet she hasn't asked my help once as if she knows how to live all in a dorm in a city she doesn't know.

When I first talked to her, she was cold, like really cold-hearted. I asked some questions, the usual, I need to know who's my roommate. She asked me a few questions but it wasn't a lot. She wasn't interested in that.

I know she's a neuroscience major and on a scholarship. That's huge! I can't believe I have such a smart roommate.

Yeah, I heard people like that are serious about their studies but it's not an excuse to act coldly towards me. I thought the fact she's new would make her want to talk to me but gosh was I wrong.

She knows I am an administration major and in my final year. I don't know what it was with her but it seemed like she didn't believe me. Does she think I'm dumb or something? If I'm in Yale it's because I'm quite intelligent. It means I'm at the top of the league. I hope that's not her reasoning for giving me the cold shoulder.

Despite being so cold towards me, I actually find Haneul mysterious and attractive. Hey, I can look you know? I can't deny that. Anyways, there's nothing to worry about, I have a girlfriend who I love dearly and I'm sure Haneul's straight.

Her Asian looks are something I've never seen before and it's so beautiful. Back home, you were either black or white, that's it. Sure here in New Heaven we have international students and more diversity overall but that's a first. So yeah, I was super curious once I got to know my roommate would be Asian.

I hate that she doesn't care about me but I'm really curious to know why is that. She doesn't seem to get along with a lot of people, only her friend of hers.

Her cold studious look makes her even more mysterious. I heard she'd from L.A so I wonder why'd she come here instead of staying in the luxurious life of Hollywood. Gosh, now I want to go there!

She doesn't seem outgoing and I saw that the other day at the welcome party.

Speaking of that, it seems like Chase's roommate is Haneul's best friend. Chase introduced us to them but Haneul just rejected my offer and after that ignored us for the rest of the night...That  hurt a lot. No one has done that to me before, I was graceful when my senior rommmate back when I was new introduced me to everyone.

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