5-The spark of hatred

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5-The spark of hatred

Haneul's pov

Adjusting to dorm life hasn't been as easy as I thought.

It's not surprising when all my life I've lived with my parents and now I'm all alone in a city I don't know and in a dorm with someone I don't like.

Gosh...just thinking about her...Alexandra annoys me. I was right about her, she's way too upbeat and she screams trouble.

The last few days she hasn't left me alone. I don't know what she didn't understand in the words I have no intention to be her friend. I thought I made it clear enough but I guess I was wrong.

She hasn't done anything bad so far other than annoying me. We have no reason to argue so far because I make sure to stay far away from her. We might be living in the same dorm but it doesn't mean we have to get along.

Like she does her own thing and I do mine. Things like cooking together or watching a movie together are something I wish would never be on the table.

How can people want to be so close to their roommates? Studying is way more important. We don't have time to do whatever we want.

I haven't been here for long and I can see how much people think University life is a time to do whatever you want. They think it's the perfect time to party and get drunk. The best time in their life apparently. You only live once I heard the other day and you're only young once.

Are they crazy? University is really important and so are their studies. It's a degree and diploma that's in their hands.

I'll never understand that kind of mindset. I came here to study hard without any interruption to become later on a neurosurgeon. Having fun is not on my mind.

Friends for me are seen as distractions. The only friend I have is Jonathan for a reason and he's as serious as me. The only reason why I could bother to get close to someone is if they can help me with my studies or can aid me in my future success. Obviously, Alexandra is not that.

I know the school paired us together so she can help get me used to being in a dorm and University life but honestly, I don't need that. I can do it on my own. I don't need someone to show me the city or the school, I can do it on my own. Like, I can pay for my stuff and I can visit the city on my own.

I don't know what Alexandra was thinking those days and what she thought when she first saw me but she better not think we could be friends. I have no time for that and besides no way am I associating myself with a girl like her.

She keeps trying to talk to me to help me and stuff and she tried to help me on Orientation day but I've decided to reject all her advances, I can't possibly have her raise her hopes.

Although I can tell it bothers her that I'm not the least bit friendly with her and I ignore her, she's still trying to do whatever her duty is.

Sure, I get the fact that it's nice your roommate is a senior and can help you but did I ask for that? No, and I'm afraid Alexandra is one of those who likes that idea.

I'm not surprised though, she seems to be the type to do that but unfortunately for her, I'm not the type of roommate, she hopes to become friends with.

For now, all I need to do is ignore her as much as possible and survive the whole year like that. That way I'll study well and everything will go well with my scholarship.

Enough about her, my roommate isn't the only thing going on in my life.

Yesterday was the orientation day, I don't typically like things like this but I got to know the campus a bit more, where my classes are and what to expect from Yale University. Ok, I had to meet people but that is not my main focus.

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