3-Welcome into University party

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3-Welcome into University party

Haneul's pov

I can't believe it. I knew I wouldn't enjoy living in a dorm, especially because I'd have a roommate but clearly, it's gonna be worse than I thought.

I was totally not expecting my roommate to be there when I arrived and did not expect that kind of welcome.

That was only an hour ago and I'm already thinking about how I'll survive in dorms. Trust me, I know how to do things independently but the problem is my roommate...

It seems like my roommate is Alexandra. She wanted me to call her Alex but no way I'm doing that, we aren't on a friendly basis.

As soon as I saw how upbeat, outgoing and energetic she was, I knew it would be a nightmare having her as my roommate. I hate the kind of girls like her the most.

She's the exact opposite of me and I could tell from the get-go. I could tell she wanted us to be besties but I have no intention to do that.

Alexandra Littlewood, I will certainly not forget that name. She's taller than me by a lot, I'll say 5.5 ft. She is quite fit but not too muscular either. She's tan and has straight honey hair that stops right below her shoulders.

What ticked me off immediately was her piercings. How the hell can she possibly have that many piercings on her ears, one on her nose and even one on her navel!?

Yes, she also was wearing a sort of tank top, we could see her stomach, hence how I saw the navel piercing. I wouldn't be surprised if she had a tattoo. This is a huge red flag.

Those types of girls scream trouble and I'm certainly not looking for that right now.

Other than that, call me crazy but she had from the few seconds I saw her, gay energy in her.

Don't ask me how I know, it's Johnny. Jonathan's as Bi as he can be. Gosh, and he makes sure I know. So yeah, thanks to him or maybe more so unfortunately because of him, I have a sort of gaydar.

I don't care whether she's gay or not but I fear she'll bring a girl home and bother my studying or better yet throw a party.

I came here to study seriously to become a neurosurgeon not be bothered by a girl like her.

She also has this influencer energy coming off her and they're the type of people that can't shut up. This is

Even if I knew I had no intention of becoming friends with my future roommate, I surely don't want that now. I just want to stay as far away from her as possible.

So maybe I was a bit rude by telling her straight up to stop the act by saying I had no intention to bond with her but I had to. I can't possibly have her have the wrong idea. She needs to know because, after all, I'll be her roommate all year, unfortunately.

I would love to ask for another room but I can't when I'm on a scholarship. I can't cause them more trouble already. I'll just suck it up.

After telling her I had no intention of forming a friendship with her, she did indeed drop her friendly act. She didn't like how I was acting and was a bit hurt.

She tried to ask why I didn't want to get along with her and even tried to get to know me.

I dodged most of her questions but she knows the base. After a while, she finally realized I wasn't having it and finally left me alone and that was just 15 minutes ago too.

Gosh...I hope she won't bother me tonight. I heard we have a karaoke night at the bar for new students she says she'll go.

I would rather die than go there but I know Jonathan will kill me if I don't. He says I'm too serious for my own good and that I should let it go sometimes. Says the one who's always obsessed with something and can't let it go.

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