2-Back in the city

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2-Back in the city

Alex's pov

It feels so good to be back in New Heaven. I got back yesterday and I couldn't wait to be here again.

I definitely missed this city over the summer, it's way better than back home, Holy Springs in Mississippi.

Here, I get to have freedom, free from my parent's demands, I don't have to hide my sexuality, I don't have to suffer with the religious stuff, the judgement and I can be my true self. Gosh, it's not that I absolutely hate my hometown per se but sometimes I wish I wasn't a Littlewood.

Who are the Littlewoods? The Littlewoods is my family. They are wealthy. My dad is a well-known lawyer and my mom is a fashion Icon. It's no wonder they are popular.

It comes as no surprise that I'm their first daughter Alexandra Littlewood and then there's my younger sister Victoria Littlewood.

She's starting University, well College, though she's studying this year it's back home, she follows my parent's rules and she does as expected. Besides, she has her boyfriend there already. I got to see her start her year as the school year started earlier back home in the south.

Anyways, yeah, there are advantages to being born into a wealthy family but at the same time no. I could never really do what I want. My parents only wanted and expected me to be perfect. Nothing other than what they want passes.

They are the perfect happy family and as I'm the oldest, all the pressure comes on me. They expect me to find a fancy husband soon and later on have kids. It has to be a good guy, not one that ruins the family's name. Gosh, if only they knew the type of friends I have...

Therefore, it's no surprise that they always made me go on blind dates. I hated every one of those. They have been setting me up with guys ever since I was 15. They don't have a random guy. They want a guy they like. They even forced me in the past to fake date people.

The problem here is that I don't like any of those guys. I'm not attracted to them, I'm gay, I like girls. So, none of those guys interest me.

I've always known that I'm gay. I've known since I was 13, ever since I gained the courage to go behind my parent's back and kiss a girl for the first time.

I never was able to date girls in my teens due to my parents' strict views but everything changed in the last few years.

A few years ago, I decided that I wanted to leave this toxic home. I knew I wanted to get as far as them as possible but at the same time, I knew my parents would never accept.

So, as crazy as it sounds, I started studying and working hard like crazy at the end of my junior year and my entire senior year, just to get into the prestigious schools. The best Ivy-League universities.

To no surprise most of them rejected me but one accepted me and I was so happy, it was Yale University.

I knew how nice that University was and that I would be far away from home. I know most people like to go back home frequently but I like doing the opposite, avoiding going back home.

Regardless, of my luck, my parents were overjoyed at the news. They were happy that their daughter was so smart. I'm not that smart, I just worked hard.

Through, as unfortunate as it is, I got accepted into a program I didn't like, all to please my parents and it is administration. Yeah, goddamn administration.

Why through? Even if I was studying far from home, they would have never accepted it if I got into psychology, which interests me more. I have to respect the family's values.

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