7-More fuel to the fire

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7-More fuel to the fire

Haneul's pov

Usually, days go about the same, even if I'm in University, you'd think it would be somewhat different but it isn't. My schedule may not be the same but I still do the same thing. I know it's a routine and others clearly don't follow that but that's what University is like, it'll be all worth it in the end.

Yet, today is supposed to be exactly one of those days but it isn't. It might be because it's a Friday but no, it's my birthday and I'm turning 18. Even I can't ignore such a thing.

Others expect me to celebrate my birthday or go out or something but no, even if it's my birthday, I won't risk ruining something.

But even if I don't do much for my birthday, some people do care about it, my family.

I rarely call them and they wish I'd call more but I have no reason to. Maybe it's because I rarely call them that they decided to surprise me by calling me.

Haneul: Hi? Why are you all calling me?

Haneul's mom: You didn't think we'd forget your birthday, did you?

Haneul: Of course not.

Haneul's dad: Wow, my baby is 18.

Haneul: Oh come on, don't be like that. You were the one calling me a young lady last time I saw you.

Haneul's dad: I know but it's still a big thing, you're studying on the other side of the country and Myung is less and less often at home.

Myung: Hey! I heard that!

Haneul's dad: But what? It's true.

I laugh at their ridiculousness.

Haneul's mom: You don't call often, how are things over there?

Haneul: They're good, I already have good grades and I've adapted quite well to University.

Haneul's mom: Well, that's good to know. I was a bit worried but I know you'd make it with how strong-minded you are.

Haneul's dad: How are things in the dorms? I hope you're not shutting down your roommate.

Haneul: As expected people are crazy in dorms and have no sense of responsibilities. It's surprising knowing they are Yale students.

Myung: So I guess, this means your roommate is one of those two?

Haneul: Yeah, she and I don't get along at all. She has no sense of shame and she's disturbing my studies.

Haneul's dad: It doesn't mean it's reason to
cut her off.

Haneul: I don't want to associate myself with the likes of her, she crossed the line.

Myung: Wow, what'd your roommate do to make you hate her like that?

Haneul: Things that are out of line.

Haneul's mom: I won't say I am surprised but don't be too mean to her, she's still your roommate. You have to be able to communicate with her.

Haneul: She tried at first but I don't intend to be friends with her.

Myung: It is quite difficult to get you to come around after all.

Haneul: What is that supposed to mean?

Haneul's mom: Back on the birthday subject, it's unfortunate that you can't be back home so we can throw a proper celebration.

Haneul's dad: At least I hope you'll do something with that Jonathan friend at the very least.

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