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Once I realise what I just did I get up and start walking out "I'm sorry!" I mumble and run into my room slamming my door shut and I pace up and down my room

"What did I I just do?! Why did I do that?!" I mumble shaking my head

I sit down on my window seat and get a blade starting to cut my arm up as I cry. I hear the door open slowly I don't bother looking up because I know it will be dad. He pulls it out of my hand and sits down and I just stare out the window into the darkness.

"I was stupid, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it." I mumble thinking he was going to yell at me

"Luke, it's okay." He says putting a hand on my knee and I just push it away

"No, it's not okay. Your my stepdad, like my real dad I never had. Your 7 years older than me." I cried

"Luke, it was one kiss nothing more than a kiss. We all have crushes we regret, I know I've had a few." He says shakily and I shake my head

"I just want to be alone and get my head around what I just did, please." I mumble bringing my knees to my chest

"I'll be downstairs, when your ready to talk come and talk to me please." He says getting up and starts walking out shutting the door behind him

I burst into tears again, I just sit there staring into the night. I think about getting up and going to see him but I can't bring myself to do it. It was another hour or so of sitting there before I got the courage to go downstairs and talk to him, I sit on the other end of the couch cross legged leaning on the arm as I look at him.

"A stupid crush, that's all it is. But you don't know what's going through my mind." I mumble as he looks at me

"When I was 15, I went through a rough patch not as much as what you are going through though. I struggled with bullies, I am a closeted gay never come out they all think I'm straight. One of the only reasons I got with you mum was so I could get closer with you. I saw you walking the streets and struggling with stuff and I didn't want you to end up like me." He says shakily

"Nobody know what goes on up here, some of the thoughts I have. The only person I have ever let myself get close to is Michael he understands me, I've tried getting close to you but I can't pull my walls down just yet just give me some time to get my head around my thoughts." I mumble and start to cry again

"Seriously Luke, I get it. I've got walls built up around me I'm slowly starting to bring them down, I'm trying my hardest for you just to be there for you no matter what I am here you can talk to me whenever your ready." He says pulling me over onto his lap

I just rub my eyes and hide my face in his chest and cry, normally just his touch can calm me down instantly but it's just not working for me tonight. I hear Sammy's little footsteps heading towards us and then climbs on top of both of us.

I put my arm over his back and dad puts his arms around the both of us, I keep my face hidden not wanting him to see me like this.

"I love you guys." Sammy says kissing my cheek and cuddle us with his teddy

"I love you too buddy." I mumble playing with my ring

"You can go to sleep Luke, your safe nobody is going anywhere." Dad says playing with my hair him knowing that was something that calms me down

I sigh and look at Sammy seeing he was asleep, my eyes start getting heavy and I drift off to sleep. I must have slept all night because I wake up to Sammy giggling and a dog licking my face.

I groan and open my eyes a little seeing a little puppy on my chest and I look around seeing dad talking with Michael. I smile at Sammy and he picks the puppy up off my chest holding him close and petting him giggling loudly as he licks his face.

I sit up and groan as I hit my arm on the couch forgetting that I cut it, I pull my sleeves down and the blanket over my legs when Michael and dad come over.

"What's the puppy for?!" I ask yawning

"A little something to cheer you up." Michael says looking at me

"Did dad tell you what happened?!" I mumble

"Just that you were really upset, that's all." He says smiling and I nod smiling a little

I sit there a bit skeptical about the whole situation and look down watching Sammy growling and playing with Fluffy and his toys.

"Are you sure your okay Luke?" They ask sounding worried

"I'm fine, just a few things going through my head." I mumble chewing on my thumb nail trying not to look at them Because I will start crying again.

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now