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The drive home was silent and I was furious, I just wanted to yell and scream but I know that wouldn't help the situation and all I could hear is his sobs. I pull into the driveway and I sit in the car for a few minutes and watch him walk inside with Sammy.

I hit the steering wheel a few times and scream hoping that would get a few of my frustrations out but it didn't work and I just go inside. I hear the water running so I go and check on Sammy who was sound asleep in Luke's bed. I shut the door again and just go sit on the couch, I drop my phone on the coffee table and pick up a pillow and scream into it.

I throw that on the ground and throw myself back into the couch and see Luke walk behind me and into the kitchen. I wait until he comes back through "Luke, can we talk?!" I ask looking at him

"Yell at me if that's going to make you feel better." He says throwing his hands in the air

"I don't want to yell I just want to talk." I say calmly not another word was spoken as he comes over sitting on the couch on the opposite end from me crossing his legs

"That girl that kissed me, she's my ex from when I was 15, I don't know how she found me but she did. I tried pushing her away but she clearly doesn't take no for an answer. I'm sorry I get it if you don't want things between us anymore. I'm here for you and I was worried sick when I couldn't find you, I didn't know what to do or where to look, I was worried Luke really worried." I say shakily not knowing how he was going to react

"Dad, you don't understand. Seeing you kiss that slut hurt it hurt real bad, it broke my heart. Just hours before that you were making out with me, push her away you pull away your the guy don't let her over rule you. Running away and self harming is the only thing I know to stop the pain. It's my 16th and this isn't how I planned on starting my birthday, I don't know what to think anymore dad I really don't." He says and I try to grab his hand and he pulls it away

"I'm going to bed." He mumbles and runs off and I can hear him starting to cry

I just sit there and I hear muffled talking, I sit there and pick my phone back up and message Michael about the party I was planning for Luke.

"I'm not doing the party anymore, things are way tense here. Your more than welcome to come around I think it will be good for him to spend some time with you." I type my thumb hovering over the send button before I push it

I wasn't expecting an answer because it was like 4am or something stupid like that but I got one fairly quickly "all good mate, let me know when a good time to come over is and I will be there. And I will let everyone else know not to come." It read and I put my phone back down and just lay down on the couch falling asleep

I wake up to Sammy screaming and the screaming gets louder as he runs downstairs and he shakes my shoulder and I open my eyes "what's wrong?!" I ask sitting up

"D-daddy not waking up!" He chokes out and my heart sinks I get up and run up to him and shake Luke

"Luke! Wake up! Luke!" I say and feel for a pulse "fuckfuckfuck!" I mumble and look around for his phone finding it on the floor I pick it up and call an ambulance

I give them the address and all that shit and hang up "Sammy did you see him take anything or use anything?!" I ask kneeling down as he stands there crying holding his teddy close to his chest and really tightly

"N-no!" He cried and runs into my arms

"He's going to be okay, I promise. He's a fighter I know he will get through this." I say trying to stay clam as I rub his back

I bite my lip and take a chance by going into the bathroom just to have a look and see if there was anything in there that would tell me what he has taken. I look in the cupboards seeing 4 empty pill bottles and my heart breaks and the ambulance finally comes and I didn't say anything about them and Sammy and I go in the ambulance with him.

I was this close to having a go at someone because they told me to wait in the waiting room so they could determine what had happened. I sit there Sammy latched onto me I bit all of my nails right down, I quickly wiped a few tears off my cheeks before anyone saw them and I was now chewing on my lip so much that it started to bleed.

It would have been about and hour later when a doctor finally comes out and sits on the chair opposite me.

"What's happened?! Why wasn't he breathing?!" I ask quickly

"Okay, he had hypothermia, he took several different kinds of drugs and the self harming does that occur often?" He asks

"No, we had bit of a argument last night, but we have sorted it now." I say biting my lip

"We have managed to get the drugs out of his system, he is awake there is a nurse in there getting him to eat. But we do need you to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't do this again, I can see it has hit you both really hard." He says referring to Sammy as he snores loudly

"Yeah, the little fella has been through a lot." I mumble and the nurse comes out saying he has eaten and is now asleep

The doctor nods and she walks off "if you need any help at all with anything for him, please know that there is always help here." He says and I nod as he gets up and walks off

I stand up putting my hand under Sammy's bum and my other one on his back as he wraps his legs around me and I walk into the room Luke was in. I walk over to the bed and go to out Sammy down.

"I'm putting you with dad, he's okay I promise." I whisper in his ear and kiss his cheek

I put him down and Luke puts his arm around him and I pull the blanket over them both kissing both of their cheeks and sit on the chair that was near the bed and listen to them as they both snore quietly.

Falling for my step dad // CakeWhere stories live. Discover now