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Name: Taiyo Shinjuka

Age: 7 (Prologue) 12-13 (Main Story)

Gender: Male

Appearance: He has orange-brown hair, gold eyes, and tan skin

Height: 4.2 ft (Prologue) 5 ft (Main Story)

Main Outfit: Black shirt, dark red jacket, blue ninja pants, and obviously your standard ninja sandals

Birthday: January 11th

Likes: His friends, training, reading, and heroes

Dislikes: Enemies of the village, those who abandon their friends, and sometimes annoying people

Personality: He is a calm and happy individual, who always smiles at anyone he meets and sees. When angered he can be a force to be reckoned with. When sad he hides it with a smile (Only Naruto can see through it, until others get to know him)

Chakra Level: A lot (Seriously he's got a lot)

Nature Element: Fire (That's what they think it is)

Kekkai Genkai: ???

The Legend of Taiyo (A Naruto Male Oc Story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant