Chapter 14: Darkness in the Forest! A Dangerous Enemy Appears!

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Team 7 jumped through the Forest of Death, being wary of other teams that could strike.

Naruto: Hey guys, can we stop for sec?

The team came to a stop and landed on the ground below.

Taiyo: What's wrong Naruto?

Naruto: (Embarrassed) I gotta take a leak

Sakura: (Angry) You idiot, you don't just say things like that!

Taiyo: Make it quick buddy

Naruto: (Thumbs up) Will do

Naruto went off to pee, after a few minutes he came back, but something was very wrong.

Naruto: Wow I thought I was about to burst

Taiyo: (Quizzical) Naruto when was the last time you changed your underwear?

Naruto: What are talking about, I changed it last night

Taiyo had all he needed and punched Naruto in the face.

Sakura: (Shocked) Taiyo! Why did you hit him?

Taiyo: That's not the real Naruto

Sasuke: He's right, Naruto had a scar on his cheek and his kunai holster is on his right leg

The imposter knew he was caught, so he de-transformed and he was revealed to be a Rain Nin. Taiyo didn't hesitate to punch the guy in the face which knocked him clean out.

Taiyo: (Wiping his hands) Well now that's taken care of, let's find Naruto

The team found Naruto behind a tree dangling from a rope, Sasuke threw a kunai which snapped the rope and Naruto was freed.

Naruto: Hehehehe sorry about being captured

Taiyo: It's not your fault , you just need to more careful though

Sasuke: We definitely need a password for us to identify each other

Sakura: (Lightbulb) How about when a ninja should strike?

Taiyo: I'm game

Sasuke: Me too, alright the password should go "A ninja waits till the time is right.when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike."

Naruto: Uhhhh what, I'm supposed to remember that

Taiyo: (Smacks his head) Yes, you idiot

Sasuke: All right, let's go

The team proceeded on their path through the forest, until a giant blast of wind blasted through the forest. The team was blown by the force and landed on the ground.

Taiyo: (Rubbing his head) Ow, what the hell happened

Sasuke: I don't even know

Just then Naruto appeared from behind a tree.

Naruto: Hey guys, that was some wind

Sakura: Hold up, state the password

Naruto: Oh right, "A ninja waits till the time is right, when the enemy sleeps and drops his guard, when his weapons lie forgotten in the stillness of the night. That is the moment for a ninja to strike"

Taiyo and Sasuke both punched Naruto in the face which forced him back to the tree.

Naruto: Why'd you both do that, you dumbasses?!

Taiyo: You got the entire password right, word for word

Sasuke: The password was made for the real Naruto because he would never understand it

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