Chapter 6: The C-Rank Mission

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It has been a couple of days since Team 7 was formed and they have been numerous missions. The missions however were not good in their opinion because they had to either walk dogs, pick weeds, pick up trash, and etc.

Kakashi: Is everyone in position?

Team 7 had accepted a mission that involved catching a cat that escaped from its owner, the wife of the Daimyo. This particular cat has escaped so often, that it has been a recurring mission to catch it.

Sasuke: This is Sasuke at point B

Sakura: This is Sakura at point C

Taiyo: This is Taiyo at point D

Naruto: ......sorry, sorry this is Naruto at point A

Kakashi: You're slow Naruto. Now everyone move in closer

The team jumped from tree branch to tree branch until they were close to the target. The cat was just in sight, now they needed to catch it.

Kakashi: Target is in sight

Taiyo: I see him, me and Naruto can get him

Naruto: Yeah, we're ready now

Kakashi: Wait. Wait. Go now!

With that order from their Sensei the two jumped with the target in their sights. The cat seemed to notice them and started to run away, Taiyo seeing this threw a kunai in front of the cat's direction making it run in the opposite direction. Naruto jumped down in front of the cat and grabbed it, but didn't expect the cat to scratch his face, Taiyo seeing this ran over and grabbed the cat. He started to pet it, which made the cat calm down and decided to give the cat a treat (don't ask where he got it from).

Kakashi: Great job Taiyo, using that distraction was clever. Naruto, you need to work on not being loud and rushing in on things

Taiyo: (Smiling) Thank you, Kakashi-Sensei

Naruto: Grrrrrrrr

The team soon arrived back at the Hokage tower to give a report about their mission.

Daimyo's Wife: (Squeezing the cat's life out) Oh my precious Tora has returned! You made mommy so worried!

Team 7: ("Sweatdrop" Now I see why the poor thing escaped)

The Daimyo's wife soon left the tower and the team was left with the elderly Hokage and Iruka.

Third Hokage: Excellent work, I have more D-Rank missions for you

Naruto: NO! No more stupid D-Rank missions

Iruka: Hey, show some respect!

Naruto: But I want to do something different than these missions!

Iruka: You must complete missions as you are only genin, 1st level ninja

The Hokage then explained the different ranked missions from D to S-Ranks and how each rank gets higher in difficulty.

Naruto: I'm a ninja and I want do better missions now!

Taiyo: With all due respect Mr. Lord Hokage Sir, I believe we're ready

Sasuke and Sakura: (They've both got a point)

The Third smirked.

Third: All right then, send in the client

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