Chapter 21: The Rounds Continue! There's an Invasion!?

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Taiyo ascended up the stairs to reunite with his friends and watch the next match. When he came through the door he saw Naruto, Shikamaru, and Shino come over to him.

Naruto: (Excited) You did amazing, bro!

Shikamaru: (Puts hand on his shoulder) Gotta admit you scared me there when you got stabbed, but you pulled through

Shino: I commend you Taiyo

???: Damn, I'll admit it kid, that was one hell of a match

The four Genin looked over to see Kankuro and Temari making their way over.

Kankuro: (Pumps his fist) You really blew him away

Temari: (Flirty) It was really amazing Taiyo, how about after these exams we got out on a date

Taiyo: (Blushes) Wow, that's a generous offer Temari, but unfortunately I already have my eyes on someone else

Temari: (Sad) Oh ok

Taiyo: (Puts hand on shoulder) Don't worry, you'll find someone. (Points thumb to Shikamaru) Hey, why don't you go out with Shikamaru?

Temari: (Scoffs) As if, I'll never date a lazy boy

Shikamaru: (Sarcastic) What a drag, I'm so sad

Everyone then started to laugh glad that they made new friends, Taiyo then felt a someone behind and turned around to see Gaara.

Gaara: (Menacing) I knew you were hiding power, but I didn't know it was this much power

Taiyo: (Smirks) What can I say, I'm just awesome. I'm definitely looking forward to our fight

Gaara: (Smirks evilly) It will be sooner than you think

Gaara soon walked away from everyone and they felt intimidated by the malice of Gaara, Taiyo however saw this as challenge to overcome. The boy looked over to audience and saw Ino waving to him, he waved right back and then felt someone put an arm around his shoulder.

Kankuro: (Teasing) So that's who you meant by someone else huh?

Taiyo: (Pushes him off laughing) Get off man

(Back to the ground)

Genma: Will Kankuro and Shino Aburame please come down?

(Up in the stands)

Kankuro: (Yelling) Hey proctor, I forfeit

The audience started booing at Kankuro, Shino felt a little cheated yet he didn't let get to him.

Taiyo: Why'd you forfeit?

Kankuro: (Smiles) I like talking with you man, you seem like a great guy

Taiyo: (Holds out fist) You too and also you as well Temari, you're pretty great

Temari: (Blushes) Stop flattering me

Kankuro: (Bumps Taiyo's fist) we cool Taiyo?

Taiyo: What do you mean?

Kankuro: When we first came here we caused trouble for you guys

Taiyo: Dude, don't worry about it, I wouldn't being hanging out with you or Temari if I didn't forgive you

Kankuro: (Smiles) Thanks man ("It's real shame about what's gonna happen, I hope you can forgive us")

(Back to ground)

Genma: Will Shikamaru Nara and Temari please come down?

(Up in the stands)
Temari flew down with her wind fan and was ready, but Shikamaru didn't want to go.

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