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Paula Cole // She Can't Feel Anything Anymore



The sky is dark, coated with dusty gray clouds that covered the beautiful blue sky. The beautiful blue skies that used to fascinate Pixie over and over again. The kind of blue like the color of the man's eyes that captured Pixie in his web of lies and evil.

Every morning Pixie sat infront of her lover's bedroom window to wait for the sky to turn as blue as the Indian Ocean, but it never happened. She sat there until Orthon woke up and scolded her for not laying next to him.

Orthon hated when she did that. He hated it when she did not follow his commands. She did everything he asked her, except for this. He hated her fondness for looking at the sky.

Pixie had some freedom. She was aloud to experiment with her appearance to keep her busy when she was trapped inside his house. She has become a master in make-up which was a benefit for Orthon.

With a soft sigh, she crawled off the window seat. Realizing the blue skies won't return. Pixie quietly tiptoed towards the bathroom in Orthon's room and washed her aching face.

Orthon was in a good mood yesterday and wanted Pixie to please him but she refused. Not only because it was the time of the month, but also because she was not in the mood to please him. So he got beyond angry.

Pixie loves Orthon. He's done a lot for her, but has hurt her many times too. She hates how demanding her lover is. When Pixie forgets to dust off the living room, Orthon will get enraged and let's all his anger out on the short, petite Pixie. He has turned her black, purple, yellow and blue many times. Maybe too many times.

For the two years they've been together, Pixie didn't have the heart to leave Orthon. After all the damage sessions, as Pixie likes to call them, Orthon begs Pixie to fix him and to never leave him. Sadly, Pixie falls for it everytime.

The damage sessions began on their three month anniversary. Pixie was only seventeen and Orthon twenty. Pixie was too scared to tell her friends or parents. They all thought that Orthon was a marvelous man for the too lively seventeen year old.

He stole all of her liveliness and gave her nothing but malaise.

Pixie stripped out of her meager nightgown and decided to take a warm shower. She took her coloured hair out of it's typical bun and let it loose.

After the warm shower that massaged her hurting muscles, she got out and wrapped herself in one of the white towels in Orthon's bathroom.

She has been living with Orthon for almost a year now. She moved in with him and her parents were totally okay with it since she was already legal back then.

Inspecting her purple jaw and scarred cheek, she opened her make-up case and started doing her work. Orthon hates to see her face like that so Pixie has to be quick before Orthon wakes up.

After seven dreading minutes, Pixie was finished and relieved. She tightend her towel around her upperbody and walked out of the bathroom to find Orthon awake, glaring at his phone.

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