Since When Did Schools Take Trips To A Waterpark?

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It's 6:30 am and Tom wakes up with a sharp pain on his back from Maria kicking him all night. He looks over to where Maria slept but she wasn't there. He heard the sink water running and assumed it was her brushing her teeth or washing her face. "Maria get out  You of the bathroom I have to change!" Tom yelled. The bathroom door opens and Tom expects Maria to walk out of the bathroom but instead sees Chase, the guy that slapped Maria's ass. "What the hell" Tom says as Chase walks out. "Is this my hotel room?" Tom asks while looking around. "Yeah" Chase says. "Then why are you in it..?" Tom asks very confused. "Oh, Maria came to my room asking to switch hotel rooms for tonight cause you snored to loud" Chase explains. Tom looks at him in disbelief. "Seriously? Look at my back" Tom says turning around showing Chase his back. "Whoa why is it bruised" Chase chuckles. "Because Maria's annoying ass kicked me in the back all night." Tom explains. Chase just laughs and says, "You idiot, why would you let her sleep in the bed" "I don't know but never again" Tom says. "Well I'm gonna get changed" He adds. Chase just says okay and stands there eating a banana. Tom looks at Chase and says, "Are you gonna get out so I can change?" "Oh yeah sorry man" Chase says while walking out. "Gay ass" Tom yells while he walks out. 30 minutes go by and Tom walks down to the hotel lobby being greeted by Bill. "Hey Tom! Are you excited to go to the water park?" Bill asks. "Yeah, should be fun" Tom replies. Maria comes downstairs and greets Bill with a hug and Tom walks away to talk to Gustav. "Why is everyone wearing a bathing suit?" Maria asks. "Because the trip is to the water park, duh" Bill explains. "WHAT? NO ONE TOLD ME" Maria yells. "Hey um sorry to butt in but I have an extra bathing suit and bathing suit cover you could borrow if you'd like, we look about the same size" A girl says walking up to Maria. "Are you sure? I don't just want to take it from you" Maria asks. "No no it's okay i insist" The girl says. Maria says okay and goes to the bathroom to put it on. She walks out and Tom notices and just stares. "It looks so good on you!" The girl and Bill says. "Thank you guys, and thank you so much for letting me borrow it. It's so cute" Maria tells the girl. "Of course and you can keep it" The girl insists. "Really?" Maria asks. "Of course" The girl says. "Thank you so much, also what is your name?" Maria asks the girl in curiosity. "My name is Camille, you can call me Cami" Cami says. "Well nice to meet you Cami, I'm Maria" Maria adds. "Nice to meet you too Maria" Cami says with a smile on her face. "Would you like to hang out with me and Bill at the water park?" Maria asks. "If it's okay with Bill then sure!" Cami replies. Maria looks at Bill with a face begging him to say yes. "That's fine with me!" Bill says smiling and clapping his hands. The teacher comes down and leads everyone onto the bus and Maria, Cami and Bill all sit together. Maria is on the edge and Tom sits with Gustav and Georg in the seat next to Maria and Tom is on the edge aswell. Maria and Tom give each other a nasty look and they both look away at their friends. They finally arrive at the water park. When the bus gets parked Maria grabs Cami and Bills hands while running off of the bus. They get off of the bus and Maria says, "Oh my gosh, this place looks amazing!" "I know! I'm so excited" Bill exclaims. "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Cami says grabbing Maria and Bills hands and running to one of the slides. It's been 2 hours of everyone at the water park. While Maria, Cami and Bill are walking around a guy comes up to Maria and says, "Hi, I'm Jesse. What's your name?" "I'm Maria and this is Cami and Bill" Maria says as Cami and Bill wave. "Nice to meet you Maria. You guys too" Jesse says. "Where are you from?" Bill asks. "Oh I'm from Meersburg and I live there now too" Jesse replies. "No way! We live there too!" Cami yells. "That's so cool! Does that mean I can take you on a date Maria" Jesse says putting his arm around her. "Well, next weekend we're having a party at my house so you should go" Maria says. "Bet, I'll be there for sure" Jesse replies. After a while everyone gets back on the bus to go back to the hotel. They arrive at the hotel and when Maria gets off Tom runs in front of her. "Who was that guy you were talking to?" He asks in a jealous tone. "Why do you care? It's not like you like me" Maria replies still walking. "Nevermind. Your sleeping on the floor again" Tom says trying to make her mad. "Fine with me" Maria says.

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