Love Is Fatal

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After the sleepover with Tom and Maria at Maria's house it's now 3 days later and Maria wants to stay the night at Tom's house this time because that means she gets to see Cami and Bill. "Hey mom can I stay the night at Tom's tonight?" Maria asks. "Of course honey. Call me if you need anything" Her mom says. "Thank you mom and I will!" Maria says as she leaves to go to Tom's house. She knocks on Tom's door and is greeted by Tom with a kiss. "Hey Maria!" Tom says. "Oh Maria's here!" Cami exclaims as she runs to the door. "Hey Cami!" Maria says giving Cami a hug. Maria walks in and goes to hug Bill. "Hey Maria!" Bill exclaims. After a while of everyone on the couch watching tv they notice it's almost 10 pm and they all decide to go to sleep. Tom grabs Maria's hand and leads her to his room and lies her down. Tom lies down next to Maria and Maria says, "Tom" "Yeah?" He says looking at her. "Do you think my parents will find out!" She asks in a soft voice. "I don't think so, where did you hide the prescription?" Tom asks. "In my bed frame" Maria says. "Oh then we should be okay" Tom says. Tom wakes up around 9:47 am. When he wakes up he sees Maria is still sleeping and he turns face to face to her and rubs her cheek with his thumb. She wakes up to the feeling of his thumb and looks at him. "Morning" Tom says with his morning voice while smiling. "Morning" Maria says while smiling back. "We should probably get you home" Tom says. "Yeah, I could come back later tonight though" Maria suggests. "That'd be great" Tom says. They both get dressed.

Maria's moms perspective:
Her mom decides to clean Maria's room before her and Tom come back. While she's making her bed up she finds a paper in the bed frame. "What the fuck" Her mom says as she reads the paper. "A FUCKING PRESCRIPTION?!" Her mom yells. "Oh she's gonna get it when she comes home" Her mom says. She doesn't finish cleaning Maria's room. She folds the prescription and puts it in the pocket of her jeans. When Maria and Tom comes back her mom is standing at the door.

Maria's perspective:
She walks through the door and sees her mom standing there. "Hey mom!" Maria says. "Hello Maria." Her mom says in a calm but furious tone. "Tom why don't you come inside for a minute. I need to talk to you two" Her mom says. Maria starts to panic and they both follow Maria's mom to the kitchen. "What's up mom?" Maria says. Her mom pulls the prescription out of her pocket, unfolds it and smacks it on the counter. "WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME THIS?" Her mom yells. Maria's dad hears her mom yell and runs to the kitchen. "What's going on?" Her dad asks. Her mom points to the prescription and he reads it. "Is this what I think it is?" Maria's dad says. Maria and Tom just looks at each other worriedly. "Tom," Maria's dad says adjusting the way he stands and leans on the counter by his hands. "You made a promise, you wouldn't knock my daughter up. Then you go and do it?" Maria's dad says. "Mr. Schulz I swear we really weren't planning it. It just happened" Tom says. "OH YOU TWO HAD A TALK WITHOUT ME?!" Maria's mom yells furiously. There are now two arguments going on and everyone's yelling. Maria just sits there quiet and sees her sister come down the stairs. When Maria looks at Stavrianna everyone looks at her. "So y'all know too?" Stavrianna says. "OH YOU'VE KNOWN?!" Maria's mom yells. "Yeah.." Stavrianna says. "WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY THE HELL WOULDNT YOU TELL ME WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Maria's mom yells. There is now three arguments happening and Maria can't take it. She grabs her moms car keys and walks out the front door. Nobody notices until they hear the door slam. "MY KEYS" Maria's mom yells. Tom runs out the door as fast as he can and sees Maria pulling out of the driveway. When she drives off he notices she's going maybe around 70 mph. He runs after her and doesn't stop running. While Maria is driving very fast she sees Bill and Cami and turns her head to look. What she doesn't realize is that she starts to turn and she runs into a giant pole. While Tom's running he sees that she hits the pole and runs even faster to get to her. After a few seconds of her still in the car she opens the door and comes out with scratch marks all over her face and arms from the windshield. Bruises all over her legs, bleeding from her shoulder and a nasty scar right by her eye. She walks out but she can't see anything. Everything is just so blurry. The last thing she sees is a blob running up to her right before she collapses. The last thing she hears before she blacks out is Tom screaming and cussing asking for help. "OH FUCK SOMEONE HELP WHAT THE FUCK" Tom screams. She then blacks out. Police and paramedics arrive and runs up to Maria. Bill and Cami sees what's going on and Bill notices Tom won't move out of the way for the paramedics so him and Cami runs up to Tom and pulls him back but Tom is trying to fight it and make them let go but they finally get him pulled back. Tom doesn't say anything, he just starts to cry. Bill and Cami notice and they both hug Tom trying to assure him that Maria is going to be alright even though they have no idea if her injuries are severe or life threatening. A paramedic checks her pulse and yells, "We have a weak pulse!" Tom hears the paramedic and starts to cry even harder. When Bill and Cami hear the paramedic they start to cry but very quietly. The paramedics put Maria on a stretcher and puts her in the ambulance and drives away very fast with the sirens on. A police officer walks up to Tom and asks him, Bill and Cami a few questions.

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