She Almost Found Out

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It's 11:23 am on Sunday. Maria had fell asleep around 5:20 after she came back home from Tom's house. She wakes up and her mouth is very dry so she decides to get water but when she stands up she immediately falls to the floor with pain in her legs. "Ow what the fuck" Maria says. Her mom hears her fall and runs upstairs. "Maria you okay?" Her mom says. "Yeah I'm okay, my legs just hurt really bad" Maria responds. "Well why is that?" Her mom asks. Maria is too scared to tell the truth so she lies and says, "Well me and the group were walking around town literally all day. We left around 8 am and went home at like 12 am" Maria says. "Oh, where did y'all go?" Her mom asks. "Well we walked around town and got some ice cream, we went to a play ground and tan around there" Maria says. "Maria you guys are high school seniors and running around a playground?" Her mom says. "Well we don't have a lot of time left to be kids so why not" Maria says. "Okay.. well just lay back down and the soreness might ware off a little bit" Her mom suggests. "Okay thanks mom" Maria says. Maria's mom leaves the room and Maria slowly gets onto the bed but it was very painful. When she gets on the bed she lets out a big sigh. While she's just laying there she gets a call from someone. She picks up her phone from her night stand and sees Tom is calling her. She answers and says, "Heyyy Tom" "Hey Maria, how are you?" Tom asks. "Oh I'm doing great" Maria says. She forgets about her sore legs because they don't feel sore when she laying down so when she stands up she falls and yells, "OW FUCK" "Whoa what happened?" Tom says worriedly. When Maria fell she dropped her phone and she tries to reach for it but her legs just hurt very bad. "Maria? Maria!" Tom yells into the phone. "Yeah" Maria yells so Tom can hear her. "What's happening?" Tom asks. "Um" Maria says. "Hold on I'll be there in a sec" Tom says. "Wait wait no!" Maria starts to say but as she says it Tom hangs up. "Fuck." Maria says as she rolls over onto her back and just lays there. While she laying there she here's her window open and looks over to see Tom climbing through her window. "Why are you just laying on the floor?" Tom asks as he climbs through the window. "Hmm I don't know but it's kinda your fault" Maria says. "What my fault?" "How-" Tom says as he starts to remember last night. "Ohhhh right" He says. Tom grabs Maria and helps her up but it hurts her so she screams in agony. Tom quickly puts Maria on the bed and as he does so he hears her mom running up the stairs. "Maria!" Her mom yells as she opens up the door. When she opens the door Tom isn't there, he's hiding under the bed. "Oh hey mom.." Maria says. "Are you okay?!" Her mom says worriedly. As her mom asks Maria's dad is heard running up the stairs with Stavrianna behind him. It's like a family reunion in her room now that everyone's in there. "What happened?" Stavrianna and Maria's dad says. "Nothing. There just out of Avril Lavigne posters.." Maria says as a cover up. "No no. Something is going on here" Her mom says. "Is there someone in your room?!" Her mom adds. "No no no one's in here mom it's fine" Maria says. Her mom starts looking all through Maria's room. First she looks in the closet and sees no one. She then decides to check under the bed. "Mom stop!" Maria says but her mom looks under the bed. As her mom looks under the bed she sees Tom. "TOM?!" Her mom yells. "WHAT?!" Maria's dad yells. "Hey Mrs Schulz.." Tom says as he gets out from under the bed. "I always thought it'd be Bill hiding under there, definitely not Tom" Maria's dad says. "UGH DAD NO!" Maria yells. "Why the hell is Tom under your bed?!" Maria's mom exclaims. "Okay this is our cue to go, come one Stavriannna" Maria's dad says as him and Stavrianna leaves. "Mom can we not do this now!" Maria yells. "We are doing this now I want to know what's going on!" Maria's mom yells. "Look Mrs. Schulz nothing weird is going on. I was just on the phone with Maria and she had fell and so I came over to help her up then you walked in and I panicked so I hid under the bed" Tom explains. "Well honey you could've let us help her up" Maria's mom says calling down. "I know it's just an instinct" Tom laughs. "Okay, well when you leave go through the front door" Maria's mom says. "Yes ma'am"
Tom says. Maria's mom leaves and Maria sighs in relief. "Thank you Tom" Maria says. "Anything for you" Tom says smiling. "So your legs are really that sore?" Tom asks. "Yeah, I literally can't walk" Maria says. "Huh, I'm proud of myself" Tom says. "Oh shut up!" Maria exclaims. "So how are you going to come over today?" Tom asks. "What do you mean?" Maria asks. "Well we're grilling burgers tonight for dinner and we invited the group" Tom says. "Oh well I'm sure I'll be okay by then, maybe" Maria says laughing. "Okay well I'm gonna get going so I can go to the store with Bill to get the stuff" Tom says. "Okay, I love you" Maria says. "I love you too" Tom says as he gives Maria a kiss. He walks out of her room and goes through the front door. "Bye Tom!" Maria's mom yells. "Bye Mrs and Mr. Schulz! It was nice seeing you!" Tom exclaims as he leaves. "He's such a sweet kid" Maria's mom says. When Tom leaves Stavrianna quickly runs up to Maria's room. "Spill the beans" Stavrianna says as she jumps onto Maria's bed. "Okay.." Maria says. "So, last night I went over to Tom's house and well.." Maria says. "Oh my gosh did you guys have sex??" Stavrianna asks. "Yeah.." Maria responds. "OMG OMG MARIA!" Stavrianna yells. "SHHH! I don't want mom and dad to know" Maria says. "Right sorry" Stavrianna says. Later that day Maria and Stavriannna are sitting on the couch watching tv when they hear a knock at the door.

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