The Final Look

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It's been a week that Maria has been in a coma. Tom decides to come visit her, like he's been doing all week everyday, 3 times a day. Its 8:00 am and it's his first time of the day visiting her. He walks in with flowers in his hands and sets them on the counter by the door. After he sets down the flowers and goes and sits on the chair right by Maria's bed. "Maria I am so sorry this happened. I really really shouldn't have let this happened" Tom says to Maria hoping she'd wake up, but she still lies there non able to wake up due to the injuries. "When you wake up I just really hope you remember me, Cami, Bill, Georg and Gustav." Tom says. He sits there silent for a while and still, no response from Maria. As he's sitting there he's hearing the beeps from the hear monitor and it goes blanke for a few seconds and he starts to freak out. Right before he can run out the door to get the nurse he hears a giant gasp of air from Maria and looks back. "Maria?!" Tom exclaims very confused. He runs over to Maria's side and holds her hand. "Maria, do you remember me?" Tom says worried she'll say no. Maria takes a good glimpse at Tom and starts touching his hat. "I don't know you" Maria says. Tom's eyes start to tear up but he tries to keep a smile on his face. A tear eventually falls from his eye but he doesn't wipe it away. "You're cute" Maria says touching his face. He does a small laugh and says, "You think I'm cute" "Yeah" Maria replies. Bill walks in on Tom and Maria but they don't notice him at the door. He stands there and watches them. "Do you remember anything about me?" Tom asks in a very quiet and calm voice. "Mmm, no. Your very cute though" Maria says patting his head. When those words come out of Maria's mouth Bill is shocked and covers his mouth. Tom smiles and gives Maria a kiss on the cheek. Her face lights up and she smiles. "The cute boy is kissing me!" Maria exclaims very happily. Bill slowly walks next to Tom and kneels down by him. "Do you remember me?" Bill asks in a very calm and collected voice. "No" Maria says. Bill's smile drops but then Maria says, "All I remember is the things you said when you visited me". After Maria says this Tom and Bill look at each other with smiles on their faces. "Do you remember anything I said?" Tom asks. "Yeah, I remember a lot of that. I just don't remember who you are" Maria says. Tom smiles and rests his head on the bed where Maria nor Bill can see his face. They both assume he's just resting his head but he's crying. He's devastated. The doctor walks in and sees Maria is awake. "Oh! Maria, you're awake" The doctor says. Tom instantly pulls his head up and wipes away his tears. "Are you two her friends?" The doctor asks while writing on his clipboard. "I'm her best friend and he's her boyfriend, she doesn't remember us" Bill says. "Okay, well I need to inform her other doctors she's awake so you two try to refresh her memory a little bit." The doctor says. Bill and Tom both say okay and the doctor leaves.

Fast forward it's now 2008 and Maria and Tom are still a couple. They are both 19 and Maria has joined her own band with Cami and their two friends Hallie and Mila. Tom is still a part of Tokio Hotel and Maria and Tom both attend each others concerts every year.

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