I Love My Enemy

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It's 1:14 in the morning and Maria wakes up to the most painful cramp she's ever had. She groans very loudly in pain which makes Tom wake up. He opens his eyes and looks down at Maria holding onto her stomach groaning in agony. "Maria, are you okay?" He asks worried. "Yeah, all good" She replies. "You don't look like your okay" Tom says. "I'm fine, just go back to sleep please" Maria tells Tom. He gets off the bed and walks over to Maria and grabs her arm putting it around his neck and he walks her over to the bed and lays her down. "What are you doing?" Maria asks confused. "Helping you, what else?" Tom answers. "You've never cared to ever help me" Maria says while Tom pulls the covers on to her. "Well don't get used to it" He tells her. She doesn't say anything and she watches him as he lies down. 30 minutes pass by and she wakes up again with the same sharp pain but she try's not to make any noise. She looks over at Tom and he is sound asleep. She realizes that Bill has her medicine so she gets out of the bed, leaves the room and walks down the hall to Bills room. Tom hears the door shut and he wakes up and gets out of the bed to open the door. He opens the door and looks left and right and when he looks to the right he sees Maria walking down the hall but she suddenly stops and falls to the floor. He immediately runs over to her and helps her up. "What the hell are you doing out here at almost two o'clock in the morning?!" Tom asks worriedly. "I was just gonna go to Bills room to get my medicine, not a big deal" She answers. "Medicine? What medicine?" Tom asks. "It's for girls" Maria replies. "Ohh that type of medicine" Tom says chuckling. "Haha yeah, I'm just hurting really bad so I was going to go take my medicine" Maria says while laughing. "Okay well just stay right here and I'll be right back I promise" Tom says as he gets up and goes to Bills room. "Well it's not like I'm going anywhere" Maria jokingly yells. Tom looks back at her and they both just laugh. Tom knocks on Bills door and Bill answers the door and says, "Tom what are you doing here?," Bill says as he notices Maria. "And why is Maria on the floor" He asks. "Oh well she's on her um, girl time and I'm just grabbing her medicine" Tom explains to Bill. "You? Helping her? What has gotten into you?" Bill asks surprised. "Is there something wrong with that?" Tom asks. "Nope, not at all." Bill says smiling. Bill goes into the bathroom and gets Maria's medicine then hands it to Tom. "Thanks Bill" Tom says as he starts walking back to Maria. "Your welcome" Bill says as he watches Tom give Maria her medicine. "Here you go, I'll go grab some water" Tom says as he starts to walk off but Maria grabs his arm and says, "It's fine, I can take pills without water" "Oh, okay then" Tom replies. Maria takes 2 pain reliever pills and once she's done Tom picks her up and carry's her back to their room, places her onto the bed and covers her up. "Hey, thanks again Tom" Maria tells Tom. "Don't mention it, seriously" Tom says. Maria smiles and falls back asleep but Tom just can't sleep. He turns to look at Maria peacefully sleeping and can't resist. He puts his arms around her in a cuddle. After he does that, he instantly fell asleep. 
It is now 7:14 am.
BOOM! The hotel room door slams open. Tom jumps and falls off the bed. "Haha sorry Tom" Gustav says helping Tom up. "What the hell" Tom says as he's getting up. "We're leaving today!" Bill exclaims. "Aww, I want to stay" Maria says disappointed. "You should be the happiest to leave because that means 5 days closer to your party and you get to see that cute guy from the water park!" Cami reminds Maria. "Ohh yeah! I'm excited!" Maria yells. Tom looks at Maria then Bill. He walks up to Bill and whispers, "She likes him, doesn't she" "Well I don't think she will anymore after last night" He whispers back while smiling. Tom rolls his eyes then laughs. "Well Boys you guys need to leave so Maria can get dressed" Cami says. "Shoo shoo" Maria says shooing them out of the room. All the boys get out and Cami says, "Bill told me about yours and Toms little scene last night" "It wasn't a scene! He was just being nice and helping me with my period cramps." Maria says. Cami gives her the look that says 'tell me the truth'. Maria is staring at Cami and smiles and says, "Okay fine! I woke up kind of early last night around 3:40 and Tom's arms were around me, like he was cuddling me" "OH MY GOSH!!" Cami screams. Tom hears Cami scream and he walks up to the door to listen. "HE REALLY DID THAT?" Cami exclaimed. "YESS!" Maria screamed. "OMG I SHIP" Cami laughs. "NO! He doesn't like me like that, we're enemies" Maria lectures. "Yeah but y'all could become enemies to lovers!" Cami says jumping up and down holding Maria's hands. "I just don't want to tell him I like him because we've been enemies for EVER and he would think I'm weird" Maria explains to Cami. "Girl who WOULDNT Like You?! Like your gorgeous, your very talented, you have an amazing singing voice, you have beautiful blonde hair, straight teeth, you always smell good and the brightest blue eyes AND an amazing personality" Cami lists. "He's a dick if he doesn't like you" Cami adds on. While Tom is listening onto their conversation he smiles at everything Cami says about Maria. Tom opens up the door and says, "I heard everything you guys said" while chuckling. Maria and Cami just look at eachother and doesn't say anything. They both just run out of the room and Tom laughs. Everyone gets onto the bus to go home and Maria goes to sit with Cami and Bill until she feels someone grab her hand. She turns around to see who it was and was surprised to see Tom. "Hey Maria, would you like to sit next to me?" Tom asks with a gorgeous smile on his face. Maria doesn't say anything she just stares at him. Cami notices the awkwardness and says, "She would love too!" "Great" Tom said with a smile on his face as he walked to his seat. "Seriously?!" Maria mouthed to Cami. Cami doesn't mind it, she just smiles and waves. "So... you heard what me and Cami were talking about earlier" Maria says awkwardly. "Yep every word" Tom says smiling. Maria just looks away not knowing what to say or do. "I actually don't think your weird, Maria" Tom says making Maria look at him. "You don't?" Maria asks. "No not at all" Tom answers. "But you've hated me for years, I don't get it" Maria adds on. "I never hated you, ever. I just acted like I did because you hated me." Tom explains to her. "I never hated you either, I acted like I did because I thought you hated me." Maria also explains. "Well since we don't hate each other we should become friends" Tom says hoping Maria will agree. "I would really like that" Maria says with a smile. They stare at each other for a minute then Maria pulls Tom in for a hug. "Thank you for not hating me" Tom says while laughing. "Haha your welcome, and thank you for not hating me" Maria says. Tom smiles at her and then looks out of the window. Maria starts to fall asleep and lies her head on Tom's shoulder. He looks down at her with a big smile on his face. An hour goes by and the bus stops at the school. Everyone gets up to get off the bus except for Maria and Tom as they are both asleep. Maria's head is lying on Tom's shoulder and Tom's head is lying on Maria's head. Everyone gets off and Georg notices Maria and Tom didn't get off. "Um guys, Maria and Tom didn't get off." Georg tells the group. "I'll go see if they are on the bus" Gustav volunteers. Gustav walks to the back of the bus and sees both Tom and Maria asleep. Gustav quickly runs to get Georg, Bill and Cami. "Guys, you have got to see this" Gustav says excitingly. Everyone gets onto the bus and sees what Gustav was excited to show them. "Aww" everyone says waking Tom and Maria up. "Wake up love birds, we're back at school" Cami says. "Shut up Cami" Maria says laughing. Maria and Tom gets there bags and they walk off the bus with the others. Once everyone is gathered in the car line at school they all call their parents to pick them up. Maria's mom makes it to school to pick her up. As Maria is walking over to her moms car Tom grabs her arm for one last conversation before she leaves. "Hey Tom, what's up?" Maria asks. "I just wanted to say, that this weekend was actually really fun" Tom says holding onto her hand. "I think it was too, especially last night in the hallway" Maria says laughing. Tom laughs along and gives Maria a hug before she leaves. Bill, Georg, Gustav, and Cami sees Tom giving Maria a hug and they all run over to her to give her a hug. "Bye Maria, this weekend was so much fun! We should definitely hang out at lunch tomorrow" Cami says while hugging Maria. "Oh one hundred percent!" Maria exclaims. Maria gives a hug to the boys and after walks to her moms car. She gets in and waves at everyone before her mom drives away. "Sooo Maria, who was that boy with the dreads you hugged? Are y'all dating?" Her mom says smiling. "Mom!! We are just friends and plus he's Bills brother, I can't date him" Maria replies. "Why not?" Her mom asks. "Because Bill is my best friend and it would just be weird" Maria explains. "Okay" her mom replies. After 12 minutes of driving they finally make it home at 11:23. "Can I go tan by the pool?" Maria asks her mom. "Yes of course, I'll bring you some lunch as well" Her mom says. "Thanks mom! I love you!" She exclaims. "I love you too honey" her mom says.

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