Midnight Fun

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It's 5:06 pm and Maria, Tom and Bill are sitting inside waiting for everyone to arrive. An hour goes by and Georg, Gustav and Cami finally arrived. "Finally! Where have you guys been?" Maria says getting up out of Tom's arms. "Well Cami didn't feel like walking so we took the car and right as we pulled out of the driveway it ran out of gas so we had to walk all the way to the gas station, buy a thing of gas, walk all they back and fill up the car" Gustav says. "Cami, the beautiful car princess" Bill says walking up to Cami and kissing her. "Okay love birds let's go out to the pool" Maria says putting her arms on Cami and Bills shoulders. "Oh please, you act like you and Tom aren't the same way" Bill says. "We aren't" Maria says. "Ooh yes you are girl" Cami says. "Whatever" Maria says. Tom grabs Maria's hand and says, "Alright y'all let's go before it gets dark" "okay fine" Cami says smiling. Tom grabs Maria's hand and leads her outside. Everybody gets outside and Maria says, "Make yourselves at home, jump in the pool, tan I don't care" as she walks to the shed to get a float. "Sweet!" Georg says as he jumps in the pool. "Why does he always say that?" Tom asks Bill. "No idea" Bill responds as he laughs. Maria comes back outside with a float she can tan on and she throws it in the pool. After she throws it in the pool she takes her shirt off revealing her bathing suit. "Oh my gosh is that the bathing suit I gave you at the field trip?" Cami asks as she runs up to Maria. "Yes! I'm definitely keeping it forever it's so cute and comfortable" Maria says back. "How is a bikini comfortable?" Gustav asks. "Um because it's soft! It game with a matching cover up, feel it!" Maria says running to Gustav. "I'm not feeling your bikini!" Gustav yells. "Oh my god no! I'm talking about the cover, they have the same feeling dumb ass" Maria said shoving the cover in Gustav's face. "Fine" Gustav says as he touches the bathing suit cover. "Oh my god it's so soft" He says. "Told you" Maria says. Tom looks jealous and he walks behind Maria, grabs her waist and rests his chin on her shoulder. "So, Maria" Tom says making Maria turn around. "Oh come on Tom it's fine! I was just making him feels how soft it is, here, feel it!" Maria says. Tom feels the cover and thinks it's very soft. Maria goes into the pool and lies on her float so she can tan. After about 30 minutes of everyone hanging Tom slowly walks down into the pool and quietly swims over next to Maria's float. Maria always has her eyes closed while she tans so it's the perfect opportunity. While Maria is 'peacefully' lying down on the float she feels someone flipping her over into the water. She falls straight into the bright and sparkles blue water. But what she doesn't know, is her strap gets caught onto the blow part of the float and her bathing suit strap gets undone. As she comes back up to surface she's facing Tom but she doesn't realize her top isn't on. Tom takes one quick look at her then quickly grabs her and they're chests are touching. He grabbed her just in time so no one could see what had just happened. She grabs her top and puts it back on for her. "Oh my fuck my top-" Maria starts to say but Tom cuts her off by covering her mouth. "I don't want anyone to hear about what just happened so don't yell" Tom says staring deep into Maria's eyes. "Okay?" Tom adds. "Yes sir" Maria says jokingly but her nor Tom laughs. Maria and Tom stare into each others eyes and all of a sudden Tom feels Maria's hands going down to untie the lace of his swim shorts. He doesn't stop her but when she tries to go farther he grabs her wrist and says, "Not here, not now, but maybe later" with a smile on his face. Maria doesn't say anything she's just admiring his gorgeous face and his piercing. He just smiles and kisses her and she kisses him back. "Hey love birds wanna play volleyball? Winners play against Bill and Cami" Georg says as he walks over to Maria and Tom holding a volleyball. "Oh it is so on" Maria says. After they set up the net it's Maria and Tom vs Georg and Gustav. Maria has the first serve and she does an overhand serve and does it perfectly. "Good job baby" Tom yells as he's focusing on the ball while clapping his hands. When he says that Maria smiles. After a while of them playing that round Maria and Tom win. After a while they are done hanging out around 8:00 pm and everyone leaves. Tom is the last to leave and as he is about to walk out of the door he stops and turns around. "My room, 3:00" He whispers. "3:00? Like as in the morning?" Maria asks. He shakes his head yes and hands her something in a shiny square packet. "Hang on to that, we're gonna need it." Tom says as he winks. "Wait is this a" Maria says as Tom shales his head yes. "Okay got it" Maria says smiling. Tom gives Maria on the cheek before closing the front door. Right as he closes the door Maria screams, "FUCK. FUCK FUCK." Tom opens the door and says, "I heard that" As he smiles. Maria laughs awkwardly as Tom leaves and shuts the door. She looks out the window and waits for him to make it inside his house then she screams, "FUCK FUCK FUCK GOD DAMMIT" as she runs up the stairs to her room. She plops down on her led and says, "fuck. I'm not ready I just turned 17 a few months ago I'm not ready I can't I can't" as she freaks out. She grabs her phone and calls Cami.
Cami's perspective:
Cami hears her phone ringing and looks to see who it is. "Oh hey Maria's calling!" She says to Bill and Tom. "Well answer it" Tom says. Cami answers the phone and says, "Hey Maria how are you?" "I NEED TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW" Maria yells into the phone. "Whoa is everything okay?" Cami asks confused. "NO EVERYTHING IS NOT OKAY" Maria yells. "Wait what's going on" Tom says as he stands up. "Wait.. who was that.." Maria says confused. "It was Tom, I'm at their house. I'm staying in Bill's room tonight because Gustav and Georg left me" Cami says. "Um can you go into another room please" Maria says. "What why is everything okay? You can talk to me" Cami says. Tom starts to freak out so he walks up to Cami and whispers, "what's happening" "I don't know" Cami mouths to Tom. "Just please go into another room no one but you can hear this" Maria says. "Okay okay one sec" Cami says as she walks into Bills room. Tom looks at Bill with a worried look on his face and Bill says, "She's okay Tom, it's most likely a girl thing" "I guess. Well I'm tired good night" Tom says as he runs to his room. When he gets to his room he looks out his window and his window is right across Maria's window. She doesn't have her curtain closed so he can see her in her room. He can see Maria screaming into her phone and walking back and forth.

Marias perspective:
"CAMI IM IN FOR TROUBLE RIGHT NOW" Maria yells. "Wait what why" Cami says very confused. "OKAY SO TOM WAS THE LAST PERSON TO LEAVE EARLIER WHEN THE POOL PARTY ENDED AND HE HANDED ME A CONDOM AND SAID WE WOULD NEED IT LATER AND HE ALSO TOLD ME TO MEET HIM IN HIS ROOM AT 3:00" Maria yells. "Wait 3:00 in the morning?!" Cami exclaims. "YES. AND ITS SATURDAY AND MY PARENTS COME HOME TOMORROW BUT I DONT KNOW WHAT TIME SO IF I GO OVER THERE AND IM THERE FOR HOURS AND THEY GET HOME EARLY IM IN TROUBLE" Maria screams. "I have an idea! Okay so when you come over to Tom's later I'll go over to your house and stay their until your parents get home. When they get home I'll go downstairs and tell them your still asleep and that I stayed over for the night then I'll go back up to your room, call you and you'll sneak back in through the window" Cami explains. "Okay.. okay that could work" Maria says as she starts to calm down. While she's talking with Cami she takes a quick look out her window and sees Tom watching her. "OH FUCK" she screams as she ducks down under the window sill. "What what what happened!" Cami exclaims confused. "Tom was watching me through the window" Maria says still ducked under the window where Tom can't see her. "It's okay Maria. Oh it's almost 1 am, u better get ready. Call you later bye girl!" Cami exclaims as she hangs up and goes back into the living room with Bill. "Cami? No Cami, Cami! AH FUCK!" Maria yells.

Cami's perspective:
"What was that about?" Bill asks as Cami sits down next to him. "Oh nothing, Maria and Tom are just gonna have a good 'talk' later" Cami says as she smiles. Bill looks at Cami concerned but doesn't think about it and just continues watching tv.

Maria's perspective:
Maria is pacing around her room freaking out because she isn't ready. She stops in the middle of the room and takes a deep breath. "I'm just gonna wear what I'd wear to bed over there" Maria says to herself. As Maria puts on her night clothes her phone vibrates. She goes to look over and sees that Tom is calling. She answers and as she answers Tom says, "Hey babe" "Hey Tom!" Maria says trying to sound like she wasn't scared of what she was about to do. "You about to come over?" Tom asks. "Yep! I'm just going to plug my phone in then I'll be right over" Maria says. "Oh okay, well I'll see you in a little bit. I love you" Tom says. "I love you too" Maria says. Right before Tom is about to hang up he says, "Wait, you do have the thing with you right" "Yes of course I do. I would be pisses if I forgot" Maria says laughing. "Okay just checking, see you in a bit" Tom says right as he hangs up. When Tom hangs up Maria goes and plugs in her phone. She walks over to her window, opens it and looks down. "Oh shit" She says while looking down. While she's looking down Tom is in his room watching her making sure she doesn't get hurt. She slowly climbs out her window and jumps down. She lets out a scream as she jumps down but she lands on her feet and is okay. She looks over at Tom and puts a thumbs up. She walks over to Tom's house and is under his window on the first floor outside. She looks around at how she can climb up with and finds a part of the house to climb. She climbs and once she gets to Tom's window she knocks and he opens it. When he opens it he grabs her arms helping her into his room. Maria makes it into Tom's room and they hug. "Glad you made it in safely" Tom says smiling. Maria smiles at him. Maria and Tom looks into each others eyes and Maria takes Tom's hat and head band off. "You look amazing with the hat, but also very hot without it" Maria says as she sets his hat on his desk. Tom laughs and Maria says, "I also love your pretty smile" Tom doesn't know what to say as Maria has him speechless. Maria pulls the shiny square packet out from her pants pocket and goes to put it on Tom's night stand. "We might need that later" Maria says smiling. "Maybe" Tom says while smiling back.
They stare into each others eyes for a while until Tom puts his hands on Maria's waist and kisses her. It starts off as kisses then goes into a make out sesh. They walk over to the bed and Tom lies down and Maria gets on top. And well, you know exactly what happens next. Later after they're done they get dressed. As Maria's getting dressed she's faced away from Tom and he ask, "Are you okay?" "Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" Maria responds. "I know it was your first time" Tom says. "Yeah, it wasn't bad, at all" Maria says back. "Are you sure?" Tom asks. Maria finishes changing and turns around. "Oh I'm sure" Maria says while smiling. She gets up and sits next to Tom. "I'm really glad we admitted we didn't hate each other" Maria says. "Me too" Tom responds with a smile. "Well, I better get going. It's 5:12" Maria says. "Whoa 5:12?! It's been 2 hours?" Tom asks. "Yeah" Maria says. Maria goes to look out the window and sees her parents pull in the driveway. "Oh shit I really gotta go" Maria said panicking. She runs to Tom and gives him a kiss. "I'll see you later, I love you" Maria says as she jumps out of the window and runs to her room. When she gets to her rooms she sees Cami and says, "Hey girl thanks" "anytime. See ya!" Cami says as she goes back to Bill's house. Maria goes to lie down trying to sleep but she can't. All she can think about is Tom. Just Tom.

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