Ribbons and promises

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It was a warm night, Alex and Gene we're out in the Enchanted Forest walking and having a good time, they like the Enchanted Forest at night,since it glows and it's more.. peaceful one could say and it was also quiet, Gene adored it because of that, you need to understand Gene's mind is a wreck at times so quiet places are the best for him.

"Thanks for..this...is really appreciate it"  Gene said

"Don't mention it Chérie, i know you work a lot and we appreciate it, and i know your mind isn't the quietest place so..yeah" Alex said holding his hand, they didn't need to do anything, being in the other's presence is enough for them.

"You know... before all of this...my mind wasn't really set on having a relationship...but you came along and...you know.. changed everything.." Alex said looking at Gene

"I used to think love's illogical,i kean it is, makes you do stupid things but sometimes they are worth it... for example walking in the forest late at night because we're bored" Gene said slightly laughing. Oh that laugh, how much Alex loved that laugh. Gene didn't laugh so often, but when he did it was like music to Alex. Alex's such an energetic person, so someone like Gene really tunes him down in a good way. Alex could be spending hours training non stop trying to exhaust that energy but whenever Gene's there and radiates some of his calmness to him,it cools him down a bit. Although Gene could have his moments where his anger takes control,he calms quickly down. Their walk came to a stop when they arrived at a big tree who makes it's appearance only at night. They stayed under it and talked some more before Alex stoped and took Gene's hands in his

"I know it's gonna sound stupid but...when i was a kid i believed in this silly tale...when two are bound in a relationship to wear ribbons matching their colour, and to make promises to each other, sounds like a proposal but hey ribbons are prettier" Alex said

"Ribbons? Sounds so silly....i like it!" Gene said
Alex smiled and pulled out two pieces of Ribbons,one black the other navy blue, he tied the blue one to Gene's right wrist and Gene tied the black one to Alex's left wrist.

"Now we do the promises? Or?"

"Yup! I start?"


"Ok well...i promise to.. love you..no matter what, you deserve it after everything" Alex said

"Well...i promise to never leave your side, whatever issues may come out way let's promise we're gonna...talk it out and solve it,ok?"

Alex nodded and pulled Gene in a hug

"I also promise to protect you! There's nothing i can handle!" Alex said laughing, making Gene laugh too

"Yes since you're soo strong"

"I am tho!" Alex said as they both started laughing. They decided to head back home.

"Alex! Earth to Alex!... ALEXANDER!" Leonora yelled in her little brothers face, making him fall over with his chair

"Ow! What the hell Leonora!" He asked

"What's wrong with you? I've been talking to you for 10 minutes and all you did was stare at the floor! Is the floor prettier than me?!" She asked offended

"Sorry...i was just.. thinking..."

Leonora's face soften as she helped her brother up and took a seat next to him

"We're you thinking about him?.."

"Yeah...we did this silly things with the ribbons and I promised I'd protect him...seems i couldn't do it...and maybe he's so confused and worried and I'm.. not there...for him..." 
Alex said as he looked down. His sister hugged him, ever since their mother ran away, she's been the closest thing Alex had to one. Leonora hated her for it, she hated her guts she hated everything about her, their dad wasn't too much around but he still tried his best, Leonora at first didn't really liked the idea of having to babysit her little brother but she grew to love it, she loves Alex to bits and would never let anything get hurt him.
She knew he needed her now more than ever

"Everything is going to be ok Alex.. Gene's gonna be fine, and you tried to help him, you did well...there were too many shadows for you to fight them all, you'll get him out of there, i believe in you" she said as he pulled him closer

Alex let small sobs escape,he couldn't get rid of this guilty feeling he has, it killing him slowly. Leonora was there, she didn't said anything just let her bother get this out, seems like he needed to. After Alex has calmed down a bit, they sat and talked some more

"You know after everything... I didn't really thought I'd get so attached...im so scared to lose him..."

"I understand that, to be honest... Gene's what you needed, he's calm and collected, he's supporting you in everything yet he tells you when something sounds stupid so you won't be a dumbass and get injured,but you do it anyway and then you never hear the end of it from him" Leonora said laughing, making Alex chuckle at the memeory.

"Yeah he's..the best...when I want to do something reckless he always starts with 'Alex,no' and i have to sit and listen to why what i want to do is dangerous" Alex said laughing.

"Plus Gene changed a lot from the first time i met him, he's more...open you know? Like he's matches the vibe of the person he's with,but without changing much"

"Yeah.. he's amazing...and this motivates me to get him out even more! I already have a plan, i just don't like one thing..." Alex said

"That Flavio is here to help?"


"Me either but if he can...why not"

"Well yeah fuck him,anyway, my plan is to distract Erembour and Baba Cara enough for one of us to grab the book, and just ran back here where Flavio would grand me access to the book, im going there, Find Gene, get him out and trap Erembour there and seal the book, sounds good ey?"

Leonora looked at her brother and blinked twice, that meant that she didn't understand a word from what he said. Alex sighed and leand forward

"We go, distract Erembour, get book,bring book back, go in book, find Gene, get Gene out,trap Erembour, lock the book, understood?" Alex said, Leonora let out a smal 'oh' before nodding.

"And how are you planning on doing this, isn't this guy... powerful?"

"He is but we'll figure it out.. I guess"

"Alex you're a mess"

"I know- but im handling it"

"Doesn't look like"

"You know what I don't need this negativity around me so byeee" Alex said as he left.

"Yup that's my brother"

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