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Alex was the first to wake up, he got up slowly trying not to disturb his sleeping lover and went outside where he met with Flavio

"How was your free day?" Alex asked
" I wasn't out to have fun, i was in the Northern Temple, looking for some old book about Erembour" Flavio said, Alex looked interested in the subject. So the two began talking
"Apparently Gene some sort of fatigue. I can see he's light headed. The book has that effect, unless it's locked or Erembour is defeated there's nothing we can do" Flavio explained. Alex sighed and looked down. He really has no choice but to hide Gene, but where? And leaving him alone? Who knows how long the fight is going to be. And he can't stay with him neither, because they need him.
"Alex?" A voice called, Alex didn't pay much attention, since he was still thinking, but that was until the voice spoke again "Princey" it said. Alex turned around to see Gene standing next ro him, barely, you could see how tired he was and how sick he gets day by day. "Everything alright?" Gene asked "Yeah..i mean..no, i mean..i don't know... I can't leave you here and i don't know where i could hide you and i don't want to leave you alone yet i have to be there for everyone and-" "shh" Alex was interrupted by Gene who was now looking into the prince's eyes. "Calm down, I'll figure it out, out of all the places i know where to hide so don't worry your head..and maybe you should rest.." Gene suggested. Alex was a bit hesitant but Gene knows how to convince him, so he agreed to rest. He went to one of the guest rooms in the house, laid in the bed and tried to sleep, although he didn't usually have troubles sleeping but it seems like after Gene's imprisonment in the book, Alex's sleep schedule was thrown out the roof. He managed to fall asleep, it felt so short yet so long, images flashing before his eyes, the moment he lost his eye, the moments the shadows attacked, the encounter with them, all were so horrifying, so dark so..real, Alex could feel the cold on his back, he could feel the shadows but then, everything went black. Flickering lights, flashes of shadow monsters, dead bodies appearing around Alex,it made the prince feel like he did nothing, like he couldn't protect them, he couldn't be there for them, he failed as a prince, he failed to do what knights are supposed to do... protect.
Another flash came in view this time it was a memory of how they tried to pull Gene out of the shadows

"Let go!"  Was what Alex remembered.  "You can't fight them! Let go Alex please!"  Everything went black again

"Failure"  Erembour said before Alex woke up startled. He was breathing heavy, clearly sweating and confused,but felt relief when he realized it was all an awful nightmare. Alex put away his thoughts when Gene entered the room
"Alex? Are you ok?" He asked softly, Alex looked at him before nodding. Gene sat next to him and held his hand. "Are you sure? It doesn't seem like you had a good sleep" Gene said
"Well not really..i feel like i failed everyone....like i failed you...i couldn't help you out that day and now you're weakened by the book, and you had to relive everything that happened to you and God...i messed up.." Alex said looking down. Gene hugged him and assured him that it was ok
"You didn't fail anyone, it was an unknown force and we didn't know how to deal with it, now that we know, there's a chance now. And Flavio and i discussed a bit and i kn5the perfect place where i could hide and still help you!" Gene said. Alex's face lit up "Really?! How?!" Alex asked almost jumping out of the bed, Gene giggled and asked Alex to calm down and let him explain
"My laboratory back in Technopolis wasn't touched by the attack, mostly because it's hidden, i have everything there that could help you all in battle!" Gene said. "Holy shit that's great! And you could rest too since that's your old home!" Alex said and Gene nodded. "Now come on, let's get you back to sleep" Gene said "You'll stay?" Alex asked "Mhm, im feeling tired too...if you don't mind" "Not at all" Alex said as he made room next to him for his lover. Gene got in and the two fell asleep cuddling, somehow having Gene next to him made Alex's sleep more.. peaceful

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