The calm before the storm

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Everyone was getting ready for the final battle that was set between darkness and light. The battle was a week away, they were all preparing for what's to come, they know it won't be easy, it will be a lot in fact, but they'll manage to win. But today all those worries are put aside. The super 4 decided that it's deserved for them to have some peace and quiet. Flavio's place was all that, but they haven't left in some time and they were thinking that some relaxation is in order,all but Ruby.

"Come on Alex we need to train! How are we going to take them out if we sit on our asses" the pirate protested

"Ruby, calm down, we all deserve it, for a bit at least, we are all tired and honestly could use a break" Alex said

Gene saw the two and approached them.

"Everything alright?" He asked

"Yeah it's just, she doesn't want a break" Alex said

"We can't afford one!" Ruby said

Gene looked at the two of them he understands the both of them but he must admit,they need a break,Gene on the other hand wasn't in the mood for that, he was trapped in that book and drained of all energy, reminded of what he regrets, couldn't really be able to move much so all he wanted to do was lay down and sleep,at least now. And they could use a break,they know the battle that awaits them puts a lot of stress on them so they need all the rest they can get. The battle they will have will be hard, talking about powerful beings that were locked too for many years building rage over time. But they couldn't fight if they are tired, plus it's just one day it won't kill them

"Maybe you could try to relax a bit? A break doesn't sound half bad, take it logically if you are tired,barely standing,how will you be able to fight?" Gene asked

"Easily!" Said Ruby

"Im telling you, you can't, take it from someone who can barely close an eye for more than two minutes" Gene said
Afterall he's a professional insomniac,not something to be proud of but he knows what he's talking about and Ruby knows he's right and it's pissing her off. She knows she can't argue with Gene, and she can't annoy him either because that's a trait they both share, only that Gene is right most of the time and will always shut Ruby's mouth easily. The pirate sighs and agrees to take a small break. Twinkle joins in after hearing their discussion.

"Maybe we can go on an adventure like we used to" she said

If he was honest,Gene didn't want to leave, he feels like he could sleep for hours on end. He wasn't even playing attention to his friends until Flavio called out

"Earth to Gene! Are you with us?" Flavio shouted while waving his hand in front of Gene

"Yeah! Im listening" Gene said

"Twinkle thought a walk around the Lost World could help us relax a bit" Alex said

Gene looked at them before replying

"Y'all can go ahead without me, I'm not really in the mood" he said

"Didn't you say a break is a good idea" Ruby said

"Well for you, not for me, i don't want to leave" Gene said

Alex looked at him confused and worried. He didn't understand why Gene was acting this way, he was distant, ever since they got out of that book Gene has changed. They only talked once. And after that day Gene just shut down. He was sleeping a lot, bacame nonverbal and nobody knows what to do anymore. Gene left the group and went back inside.

"Guys,go wherever you want, I'll stay here. Gene doesn't seem well and leaving him alone in this state is pretty.. you know..not ok" Alex said

"If you two aren't coming we aren't going anywhere, we can't leave you guys like this!" Ruby said

"Ruby we'll be fine, please go rest, do whatever have fun. You guys need it" Alex tried convincing the pirate

"Plus Gene doesn't like when we all stay after him when he doesn't feel good" Twinkle said

Finally the pirate agreed to leave with the two, waving back at the prince. After his friends we're nowhere to see and Flavio left too,Alex went to check up on Gene.

"Hey Gene" Alex said, Gene didn't even make eye contact before humming to the prince. Alex sat next to him "Are you ok? You're so cold towards us, is something bothering you?" Alex asked keeping a safe distance between him and Gene so Gene won't feel uncomfortable
"It's..a constantly tired,more so than usually and i can feel my body shutting down" Gene said. Alex looked at him worried, he thought the book's effect will wear of,but it's been 4 days since Gene was out and he seemed more and more weaker by the hour and he can't seem to find a way of making him feel better. Gene sighed and tried to make himself comfortable, Alex noticed and since he's a good boyfriend he pulled Gene closer and cuddled with him, it seemed to work as Gene melted in his hold. "I don't think i can fight alongside with you guys..and to be honest it won't make a difference. I can't fight anyway" Gene said. Alex looked at him "And what are you going to do?" He asked? "Hide?" Gene said unsure of what to do "Or stay here and wait for death?" He said with a hint of joke "Gene. Please.." Gene apologized. "Maybe we can hide you, somewhere safe? Seeing your condition i doubt you can move too much on your own" Gene nodded, he could feel his eyes getting heavier, it wasn't long before he fell asleep while Alex was still talking. "And so,Gene?" Alex called, he looked over and saw him sleeping. "Ah dammit now im stuck here...not that i complain much" Alex laughed.
When their friends came back they found the two sleeping.

Out of touch [REMASTERED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon