The plan

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The plan was easy, wasn't it? They shut down Computer Supreme then they leave and never come back

"Gene are you sure? sounds easy but it isn't..."

"I know but it will all be worth it once we're out those gates.."

"I know but...what about Dr.X?"

"Eh we'll find a way, it's going to be hard but as i said it will be worth it... we're so close to our freedom Flavio..."

"Yeah..." Flavio said, Gene suggested they should try after the Scientist of the Year Awards, Flavio was participating and Gene didn't want to hold him back. And since he has free time he decided to sign up too, he knows Flavio has stage fright so maybe if he was there he would feel better, he never cared for Scientist of the year anyway.
After that Gene waited for Flavio to come back to give him the big news.

"Gene I'm back!" Flavio said walking into the lab

"Hey! I have some news!" Gene said


"I joined Scientist of the year! You know since you're there, why not?"

"That's amazing! What you're bringing?"

"Well...this vehicle! It's almost done! And i also built a new companion!" Gene said as he showed him Lenny "He's an AI! He can think for himself! Just like computer supreme! Isn't it amazing?" Gene said

Flavio was processing what Gene just said, he's going with the vehicle that's capable of so many things... he's gonna win... he's gonna destroy Flavio. He can't let that happen..

"Are you sure it's a good idea to bring the Vehicle to that competition? Couldn't you bring anything else?.." Flavio asked

Gene laughed slightly and said "nope! This is my proudest invention! Why not show it off? Anyway don't worry about it Flavio you'll do great anyway! Maybe you'll win this year!" He said clearly wanting his friend to win, little does he know Flavio doesn't see it like that. He excused himself and went in his room, leaving an confused Gene behind. This was a mess. He needs to get rid of Gene, fast. And he knows exactly how...

Gene sighed as he watched the memory. He thought that if he didn't sign up...he wouldn't have been in that situation...

Back in Kingsland the team makes the final adjustments to their plan.

"So Twinkle and Flavio you distract Baba Cara and Erembour, in any means, if you have to fight them do it, just be careful ok?" Alex said, the two nodded

"Ruby and i will make our way towards the Book Room to take the book, once we take it we'll exit from the back, when we give you the signal that we're out, you guys disappear" They all nodded and Alex said that it was settled. Next thing is to get in the book and free Gene. Tomorrow they'll go to Erembour's castle and began their plan. Alex and Ruby we're hiding around, waiting for the two to make their appearance. Twinkle and Flavio began making a mess outside so they could drawn them there, one the door opens and Erembour and Baba Cara came out that's when Alex and Ruby got in

"Who dares disturb our peace?! You shall pay!" Erembour said as he raised his hand to attack the two, Twinkle Blocked it and Flavio gave him a hard hit, knocking him back a bit

"Sorry Erembour, we just can't let you doom this world" Flavio said

"You fools! This world was long gone!"

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