"I hate you"

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Flavio finally found the right spell to get someone inside the book, the only condition was...Flavio had to come with whoever was going to go after Gene, meanwhile the remaining members of the team we're discussing

"I think it's best if you go Alex" Ruby said, Twinkle agreed with her
Alex wasn't in the right state of mind, it's like the shadow was constantly behind him repeating the same words again and again. It felt like only he can see it.

"You're not worthy of that sword, or of being a king, nor a knight..." It said.
The girls noticed the way Alex changed, especially Ruby since she was there when it happened. Twinkle on the other hand heard what happened from Ruby, she didn't knew the book can do that. If she being honest she didn't even knew the book existed until the Grand Fairy told her that night. And most of all she missed Gene too, he was always like a big brother to her, of course they have their small arguments but he was the first to put the Queen in her place whenever she insulted Twinkle, he convinced her to stop trying to turn the Queen back. Alex left and went into the Chameleon, he wanted to be alone a bit, he tried to convince himself that the shadow didn't exist, well it didn't, that was just Alex's mind, he just has to go in the book and get their friend back...Flavio came in the Chameleon, Alex looked at him and crossed his arms

"We're going together" Flavio said

"Sadly" Alex said, but at least they'll finally get Gene out. They made their way outside. Flavio placed the book in the middle of a circle he drew earlier, stepped a few steps back and started saying the spell, the book once again lifted up in the sky, opened itself, a purple glow that blinded them all, after a few seconds, Alex and Flavio found themselves in Technopolis, a lot of purple cracks can be seen, smaller, and more bigger ones, they we're everywhere around the memeory

"Wow...he did...made a mess.." Flavio said

"Considering these are memeories he regrets I'd make a mess too if i was in his place" Alex said.

"I know this memory...is the memeory where I turned...Gene...in..."

"You mean the memeory where you betrayed him, yeah i can see" Alex said going through a crack, Flavio following. They got into a room a small bridge in a dark room that lead to a small dome, a void could be seen under the bridge. It seems like they could step on the parts where normally they would fall in the void.

"This is..." Alex started

"The Confiment Center.." Flavio finished, they watched as the door at the other side of the bridge opened and a person walking in, it was Flavio in the past


"You went and visited him?" Alex asked,Flavio shushed him and continued to watch

"Hey buddy.." Flavio said approaching the dome. A shadow can be seem emerging closer, until the person was in light. Flavio was nervous coming here,but it was the least he could do and he needed to explain things to Gene.

"What..are you doing here?" Gene asked coldly, it's been 6 months ever since he was locked here and they weren't the nicest people either.

"I..came to visit you...i got you coffee..." Flavio said, he did some research and found out that he can bring authorized things to the one locked in the dome

"Oh? Coffee? Just for me? Aww you shouldn't have!" Gene said

"Im trying to make it somewhat comfortable for you ,Gene, you don't have to answer like that" Flavio said

"No no! This is amazing! Im locked here while you roam around freely! But you didn't came empty handed! You bought me some coffee! You can drink it and CHOCKE with it!" Gene spat back, he didn't like this. He hated this place

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