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As the three made their way through the memories trying to find the one where they landed when they got in the book. Looking through those memories again and again trying to find something, where did he go wrong? Alex didn't let Gene look too much, he knows how much these affected him and how he thinks them over and over.
They finally got into the memory they landed on, Flavio began saying the spell while Alex and Gene looked

"How do you feel?" Alex asked

"Tired.. used all the regret I've had to get more stronger..." Gene said. Alex pulled him into a hug.

"I'll be honest with you, there's a big battle that we're gonna face against Erembour... he's going to use all the power he managed to get" Alex said

Gene was aware of that. He doesn't know if he can help

"I don't know if i can help.."

Alex looked at him, Gene avoided his gaze, he can't help... he's to weak both physically and mentally

"I know you think you can't do anything. But i believe in you, you're smart Gene. You can figure something out." Alex tried to encourage Gene. Gene nodded smiling a bit letting Alex know his words made him feel better,a bit better. Flavio managed to open a portal, he called out for the two and went through the portal, back at the hideout. Once they we're out they were met with the girls, who seemed worried. Alex and Flavio we're ok, Gene meanwhile felt like his body got heavier. He felt so tired and his body was giving up on him. Alex caught on into this and held Gene to make sure he doesn't fall. He lead Gene inside and let him rest.

"I think it's the effect of the book, it weakend him." Flavio said

"Will he be ok??" Ruby asked worried

Flavio nodded. Alex came back after he left Gene inside to rest. Him and the girls started to talk about how to get Erembour down. Flavio took this opportunity to go check on Gene. He went inside and sat next to Gene

"So..." Flavio began, Gene looked at him.

"I know we've talked about this but you know...i.. want to apologize... again " Flavio said

"There's nothing you can do Flavio, the damage is done" Gene replied

"I know..."

They sat in silence before Gene spoke again

"Your little stund had cost me greatly, i had to get off school for a while, i was under supervision 24/7, pills over pills ,monthly check ups, declining mental stability ,it was hell, it still is." Gene said

"Im sorry.."

"I know you are"

"I... really cared about you...more know.." Flavio said looking at the ground

"Are you serious?" Gene asked

"Yup, I've...and still have.. feelings.." Flavio admitted

"If you weren't such a selfish would have had a chance you know..."

Flavio looked at him

"Don't take your hopes up Flavio, im still mad at you and even if i wasn't, i wouldn't leave Alex for you. He's been here, he's been helping me, more than i could ask for" Gene said.

"You two really seem to love each other don't you?.." Flavio asked

"More than anything.. he's doing more than he's asked to do, he's understating,and he wouldn't abandon me, like you did" Gene spat back

"You really like to put salt on the wound"

"Of course"  They've sat in silence for a bit before Ruby came in

"Hey matey sorry to like, kick ya out but it's my turn" Ruby said

"Oh right! Sorry I'll.. just leave" Flavio said leaving. Ruby went to Gene and sat next to him

"Im so glad you're safe.." Ruby said

Gene looked at her and let out a small chuckle

"Missed me?" He joked

"Yeah..i did"  Ruby replied. Gene wasn't expecting that answer from her

"Wait really?"

"Yeah, it's been too quiet without you..i missed your announcemens. arguing with you and all that... it's not fun when you're not here.." the pirate said.

Gene smiled softly at her

"It feels so nice to know you're cared for.." He said

"After everything I've found out about you...that...made me realize you were made this way...and you weren't always like this.." she said

"Lemme guess you felt sorry" He joked again

"You like turning your trauma into jokes Gene one deserves what happened to you"

Those words left Gene silent. She was right, no one deserved this. No one deserved to feel empty, to have so many Issues that they become are a lot to deal with for many people.

"Yeah you're right..i just.. never knew how to deal with them. I've just..left them there..." He said

"You mean a lot to us Gene.. never forget that.."

"Thanks.." He said. Ruby left leaving Gene now alone, everything that he has been through playing in him mind. But seeing the others slowly trying to help made him feel better. They didn't understood the concept of mental health properly but they tried. And that's all that mattered for Gene.

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