Bonding attempts

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Alex was at the round table trying to come up with an execution of his plan, that was until a certain someone made his appearance

"I case you can't see,im working" Alex said as he looked at the one who entered

"Yeah I've noticed.I just wanted to talk" Flavio said as he took a seat. Alex gave him a look, he didn't like Flavio one bit.


"This whole thing"

"Look Flavio, I don't know what you're planning, you're lucky you know old magic to help us out otherwise you'd be where you belong" Alex said as he focused on the plan again. Flavio sat in silence a bit. He knew he fucked up everything, and he really is trying to help...maybe he can patch things up with Gene

"Im doing this for know?.." Flavio said. Alex looked at him

"What's with all of you suddenly making an appearance in Gene's life? First his bitch mom, than you. Y'all really like to see that man suffer" Alex said glaring at Flavio

"I didn't meant to hurt him! I had no choice!" Flavio defended himself

"You had a choice, you were just so fucking selfish, you got no excuse Flavio. No fucking excuse, he hates you, no matter how hard you try he will STILL hate you" Alex explained. Flavio got up and left, as he left the girls came in with Alien.
"Ok we're done with the explanation, we got some things" Ruby said as she sat next to Alex

"Bring it on"

"Erembour and Baba Cara has made this Castle of Terror, it's almost finished and it has a simple layout, kinda similar to your castle a bit bigger and darker, we send Alien in to see where the book's stored" Ruby explained as she pulled out a piece of paper

"If bein' a pirate taught me sometin' i should be able to make a map of the corridor, based on what Alien saw" She sadi as she took a pen and began drawing the layout

"So this is their throne room, big, tall. On the right there's a door, that's going into a corridor, where there would be around...5 doors?" She asked as she turned to Alien. Alien gave her a nod and Ruby began drawing and explaining again

"From what Alien told us..the 3rd door is the door of the book, it's on high security so we shouldn't miss it, how we can reach there? Through the vents, we could have used to throne room too but being half empty evey small sound would echo"

Ruby said. Alex took a look at the layout and thought a bit

"Erembour would probably be around the throne room with Baba, since they trapped everyone they needed and the book provides his power he won't be there much, but we still need to be careful, Baba Cara knows we're gonna make an appearance, the vents are too crowded for us, we can distract Erembour while one of us goes to fetch the book" Alex suggested as he looked at the girls

"Alex is right! We could try that! Crawling in the vents is so scary" Twinkle complained. Ruby turned to Twinkle slowly and looked her dead in the eye

" much as i love you...i must say that we're here to rescue Gene so if that means going through the vents that's what we'll do" she said. Ruby and Gene bonded well after the whole thing with Gene's parents, she knows about his depression, his self harm problem and many things that only her or Alex know. And like Alex she's trying her best,she just doesn't know what to do, Gene being the brain, and they've never faced something like this, it came hard for her. After they discussed what they'll do Ruby went in the Chameleon, she sat in Gene's seat and closed her eyes. As she sat like that, her mind played one of her memories

Her and Gene we're in the Chameleon, Gene was fixing his holo pad and Ruby was watching, it was too quiet and Ruby decided I'd be best if she broke the ice

" are things going between you and dad?"

Gene looked at her and stopped working, he put his tools aside

"They..are going well... we're... catching up... apparently Mel was the bad guy in this...whole thing..." He said but something seemed off. He was hiding something

"Ok matey what's up, sometin's troubling you" she said

"Yeah it's just... her... she's a real pain in my would have been better if she was actually gone..." He said

Ruby felt sympathy, she doesn't feel it often but since Gene told her his life story she began feeling sympathy for him more, she understood why Gene was the way he was. He didn't had it easy.

"Anything you need, im here"

"Thanks Ruby.."

She smiled and Gene returned the smile and began working again

Ruby opened her eyes when she felt a hand tapping her shoulder, it was Alex

"Want me to leave ya alone?" He asked

"Nah, come on princey sit down, you ok?" She asked

"Yeah just...tired.."

"You can't sleep can you?" She asked laughing a bit

"Fuck no, the bed's empty i just can't..i miss him..." Alex said looking at the ground

"I miss him too...i wonder how is he?..."

"I wonder the same thing..."

"Ugh this sucks! I kinda miss his briefings and his big complicated words and everything" Ruby said throwing her head back

"We need to get him back, fast." Ruby said and Alex nodded.

Back in the Dark Woods, Erembour and Baba Cara we're in their throne room.

"My dear something's troubling you?" Erembour asked his wife who was walking back and forth

"These brats, they are cooking something up, i can feel it!" She said.

"They can't,and they won't, they would be fools to try to get close to us..or our soon to be Empire!" Erembour said as he tried to cheer up his beloved wife, but his attempt was in vain

"You don't know them! They always find a way to get under my skin!"

"Wasn't the boy we captured the smartest of them? Without him they'd be useless" Erembour said. Baba Cara looked at him and calmed down a bit. She sat down at the throne and began thinking. Maybe her dear husband is right, maybe they won't try anything...but she knows them...she knows what they can do..and she needs to have a case of anything. She got up and went into the book room, if she wanted to stop the kids.. she'll need to get stronger, she began saying the power spell, which would take power from the book into her scepter. When she was done, she could feel the power, she could defeat them kids, she will wait for them. For their sake, they better stay in their place

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