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That day, Flavio waked up early. He was looking up how he could get rid of Gene, so he wouldn't be in his way at the competition. He knew Gene was better than him, he always knew, so if Gene participates he's going to crush him. Humiliate him. Flavio couldn't stand the idea, he wanted for once to show Gene he can be better. While Flavio though that, Gene always thought they we're equal, he didn't saw himself as someone better than Flavio, he saw the two of them the same, he was never in a competition with Flavio, he always supported him in everything he choosed to do. But Flavio didn't saw it that way. He knew exactly what to do. But surely,Gene will understand won't he? After all, they know each other since they we're kids, and Gene's too much of a people pleaser, isn't he? Flavio got up and left, heading to Dr.X. Once he was there he went straight to Dr.X's office.

"Doctor! I have something you must know!" Flavio said as he got in. X looked at him confused.

"Go on."

Flavio felt guilty,but he had no choice did he?

"You must know something about Agent #120452" Flavio said, he started to sweat, he didn't want to do this to his best friend but he had no choice, Gene would understand

"I'm listening"

"He's plotting, he plans to get out of Technopolis, he has an elaborate plan to get out, he plans to do it after the Technopolis anual Scientist of the year"

X was left baffled, he couldn't believe what Gene was thinking!

"This cannot be! The air is toxic outside! What's he thinking?! No, he's going insane" He turned around to Computer Supreme
"What shall we do?"

"The Confiment Center will put Agent Gene's mind back in place.. place him there for a while, he must learn his lesson..."

Confiment Center?! This is not what Flavio wanted, but it's too late, but Gene will be out of the competition, isn't that great? Gene will understand his motive...

"We'll put him today, to be sure" X said as he began walking, Flavio behind him, and the robots behind Flavio. They make it back to the lab and Entered. Gene was awake now working at the Chameleon, him and Lenny came up with the name, when he saw Dr.X he got up and looked confused

"Doctor? Is everything alright? Did something happen?" Gene asked as he started to feel anxious

"It got into our attention that you plot on leaving the dome, is that true?"

Gene started to panic but he tried to keep his cool

"That's nonsense! Why would i do that?" He asked

"Then you wouldn't mind us going through your computer...right?..." X said

Gene was sweating, he was busted, if he said no he'll get in trouble,but if he said yes, who knows what's gonna happen to him, he nodded, that was it, he's done. He saw Flavio there, and he instantly knew. While X went to look into Gene's computer, Gene looked at Flavio, Flavio wasn't looking at him.

"How could you?..." Gene spoke out

Flavio still didn't looked at him

"HOW COULD YOU?!" The Robots had to hold Gene in one place so he won't hurt Flavio

Flavio was looking down, didn't bother to look Gene in the eyes

X came back and looked Gene in the eyes

"I would have expected this from anyone else Gene...but not from you.." he said looking at him
Gene didn't look at him

"Computer Supreme decided that the Confiment Center....will be the best choice for you"

Gene looked at him wide-eyed

"What?..." Gene sais...his voice breaking

"Confiment Center, Gene, at least 10 months" X repeated

"Wait please! No! Anywhere but there!" Gene said

"Im sorry Gene.." X said as he commanded the robots to tie him up

"X please! Anything! But don't put me there!" Gene said, He looked at Flavio, anger rushed inside him for the first time

But he couldn't do anything, he was being taken away, and it was all Flavio's fault, but then, sadness hit him ..why would Flavio do this?...what did he do...

Gene couldn't look at the memeory without anger taking over, he still couldn't believe why Flavio did that, he didn't understand to this day. Before he wanted to go to the next memory he was teleported to a tower, before Gene could react two purple chains got wrapped around his wrist, making him unable to walk anymore

"This is just great! Amazing the least!" He said

Back at Flavio's place,  Flavio was reading some of the old spells he had, Alex was looking through the book, black pages with gold writing

"Are you ok Alex?" Flavio asked turning to Alex, ever since they got the book Alex was quiet, his eyes were red as if he was crying

"Don't even try Flavio..."  Alex replied

The memeory of Gene's shadow figure Playing back in his head again and again
It hurt so much, he knew it wasn't Gene but it hurt him deeply he started overthinking, he couldn't wait to get Gene back, to apologize, hold him tight, he wouldn't let anything hurt him again, he'll do as he promised

"I know you miss him.."

"Unlike you"

"..i miss him too and I want to ask for forgiveness again..."

"Fuck you Flavio, that's what Gene's going to say, you ruined him so don't expect him to forgive you" Alex said as he stormed out. Flavio knew he messed up with Gene...he misses his best friend everyday...he knew he messed up...but it will be worth a shot.. wouldn't it?...

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