The rest is rust and stardust

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Ship: Hyunchan

Chan had always been fascinated by space. He was enamored with it; the idea of infinite planets and stars cluttered together into infinite galaxies, ever expanding, ever transforming. As a child, he dreamed of going out there - exploring, conquering, coming back to tell the tale. Or not coming back at all. If he found a planet he'd be happy to live on, he might just stay out there, who knows.

As he grew up, these fantasies became more and more distant since he was definitely not on a career path to become an astronaut. As a producer, he stopped entertaining the idea of actually going out there; but the dreams and endless curiosity remained. He was pretty certain that was the cause of him being more nocturnal. The stars and the planets were visible and vibrant, calming him instantly every time he gazed up at them. He'd invested in a somewhat advanced telescope so he could get as close to the stars as he could, spending entire nights on his balcony with only his laptop and telescope to keep him company. It was his escape. His safe place.

He never believed in miracles, but he couldn't chalk it up to anything else to have met Hyunjin. It was nothing short of a miracle; a gift from the Universe itself.

Meeting him probably wasn't even the correct term to use here, unless you count finding an unconscious person on his balcony in the middle of winter a "meeting".

Chan had been so shocked and panicked that he didn't even notice that anything was out of the ordinary. As he frantically dragged the person into his living room he briefly thought about how strange it was for someone to show up on a random 7th floor balcony at 10 in the evening. How did they get up here? Where did they come from? Were they dangerous? Should he be worried?

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh," he hyperventilated, scrambling over the sofa where he deposited the body, propping it up against the back. He leaned down to check if the man - it looked like a man to him - was breathing, and sent up a silent thank you when he heard the littlest of breaths. Breathing, good. Not dead. Thank god - Chan really was not up for having a dead body in his apartment tonight. Or any night, for that matter.

He turned his head to check for any injuries but stumbled back, left speechless for the second time that night. This man... was not really a man. Creature was probably a better word to describe- him? It? Them?

Him , his mind decided for the moment, as the creature looked quite masculine. Then again... it also looked somewhat feminine. Chan would have to ask later, if he ever got the unknown being to wake up.

He was... strangely stunning, actually. Chan walked back around the sofa as he studied the creature who mysteriously landed on his balcony somehow. His skin looked like human skin except it was a pale blue all over, but where it caught the light from the lamp above it possessed a lilac hue. As Chan circled back, the lilac moved around with the light, only visible where it was directly hitting the skin.


His face resembled a human's face, however it was so stunningly beautiful that, together with the light blue skin, it almost gave Chan an uncanny valley sensation. His hair was light pink and shoulder-length, his eyebrows and eyelashes the same color. Darker blue, lavender and pink spots dotted his cheekbones and nose, identical to the pattern a human would have freckles in.

Dressed in a black jacket, shirt and jeans, Chan could not make out anything from his body except that he was tall and lithe - and that his hands were the same pale blue as his face and neck. Chan felt it was safe to assume his skin was that color all over.

He was just about to reach out and give him a shake when he heard an inhale and looked up in alarm; he found a pair of lilac eyes staring back at him. Each had one iris but two pupils, which was just... trippy, to say the least.

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