Fuck your monster- jeongchan

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lol this was originally longer- part two is also very long😭


The monster under Jeongin's bed had been there since he was in high school.

At the age of sixteen, he thought it was ridiculous that this monster targeted him, seeing as how he was not anymore young enough to be afraid of the things that went bump in the night, let alone even believe in them. Add to the fact that Jeongin was a natural skeptic who was not fazed by a lot of things, and he was also the one people clung to during horror movies and in horror houses. Jeongin was really not the ideal victim for any monster who was looking to score scream points.

Then there was also his persistent trouble with sleeping.

He wouldn't call it insomnia, but it took a while before he could fall asleep and when he did, he was a deep, dreamless sleeper. He could sleep through an earthquake and a fire siren (and he has. His parents were extremely concerned.)

So their first meeting went like this:

"Whatever the fuck is under my bed, stop fucking squirming. Get out and just kill me already."

The monster squeaked . An honest-to-god squeak.

Jeongin heaved a sigh. "Just come out there and watch a movie with me or something."

The monster's furry talons slowly crept out under the bed, clutching the bottom. A horned, dark purple haired head peeked out, big pure black eyes peeping at him; way too shiny and bashful for what was supposed to be a living nightmare. Its skin looked normal, like a humans. 

"Meep," it meeped. Jeongin saw a flash of its mouth, lined with small stubby fangs and sporting a short, thick tongue.

Jeongin leaned over, looking down at the monster. He sighed again. "You have no idea what you're doing, do you?"

"Meep! I-I know what I'm supposed to do! Roar! "

"...Holy shit, you fucking suck at this."


The disastrous scare ended with the monster hugging its knees beside Jeongin on the bed, talons half-covering its face as it watched a true crime documentary with the one he was supposed to scare.

Jeongin named It 'Chan'.

Chan explained that he was a shadow monster; born from a combination of children's nightmares and the shadows. He had the ability to teleport and travel anywhere with the aid of shadows and the darkness. He wasn't going to die from exposure to light, but it did make him sluggish, and it wasn't ideal for him to be seen in the open lest he was hunted down by humans who did not understand his existence. Chan explained all this through the course of multiple 'sleepovers' with his human, Jeongin.

It started out with movie nights, game nights, and mindless bedtime chatter that helped Jeongin fall asleep. But Chan got bored from staying under the bed all the time, and their relationship evolved to him literally becoming Jeongin's shadow, tagging along with him to school or when Jeongin went outside to stroll. Chan's favorite was when his human brought him along to the movies where it was dark and cozy and he saw the funny humans doing fantastic things on what was called a 'big screen' in the 'cinema'. Jeongin indulged the childlike monster, explaining different human stuff and the unique inventions of the world.

Everything was innocent and fun. Jeongin graduated high school and informed Chan that he was moving out and into a dorm in a big, distant place called a 'university'. Chan was sad at the news, thinking that Jeongin was leaving him behind. But then he said, "You'll have to stay in the box for a few hours and be quiet. Can you do that?"

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