Everyone Loves Chan!

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Writer: Binx183

Study hall, the worst class Chan had ever had to take, and the most boring one as well. Because despite spending a lot of time with the boys at home, he always managed to get his work done, and sometimes he stayed at school longer to work on new pieces for composition, Changbin picking him up later in the day or one of the other boys if their classes lined up when Chan finished up himself. So he usually has nothing to do for study hall, and without Jisu in this class Chan is alone, the boy leaning back in his chair while twisting his pencil in hand, wondering what he can do to pass the time. An idea strikes him as he smiles and moves to sit forward in his seat, grabbing his phone and sending the first text messages with a hope that he'd receive some sort of reply, his scent spiking as people around him notice his newfound happiness before getting back to their work.

Chan: I'm bored.

Changbin: Hi bored, I'm dad.

—> Changbin has been kicked from the chat

Minho: Fixed the problem.

Minho: What are you doing?

Chan giggled to himself as he put his hand over his mouth to try to hide the sound as more people glanced his way, a few smiling and some frowning, but nobody really paid attention to the omega as his scent turned sweeter by the moment.
Chan: I'm in class, but I don't have any work to do.

—> Changbin has entered the chat

Changbin: You could be working on this dick.

—> Changbin has been kicked from the chat

Seungmin: Maybe a new song idea?

Chan thought about the suggestion as he softly hummed to himself, glancing at the desk and the empty sheet music on it. He didn't have any songs in his head, and it would be pointless to try to force one, he had attempted that so many times before.

Felix: You could be working on this dick!

Felix: FUCK Changbin already said that.

—> Changbin has entered the chat

—> Felix has been kicked from the chat

Changbin: You can't just pull songs out of your ass Seungmin.

Seungmin: Stfu.

Chan: I already tried, no inspiration in this boring room. Sometimes a song comes to me when we are at home, but I don't get the chance to jot it down.

Minho: Carry sheet music paper with you.

Seungmin: Carry sheet music paper with you.

Changbin: I have a tiny notepad for it.

—> Felix has entered the chat

Felix: Got it, I'm on the way to the store to grab a tiny notepad for Chan.

Chan felt himself blush as he held his phone closer to his face, leaning back in his chair as he felt himself grow anxious to hear more from the others. He was sure they were busy, but Chan didn't dwell on it too much as he knew if they couldn't text, they wouldn't be doing it right now. Another thought came to his mind suddenly when Chan realized that he had never asked the boys where they got their money, because he was sure Minho was the only one who worked.

Jeongin: Chan why do you always message me when I'm in the middle of a test :(

Chan: For good luck!

Jeongin: I don't need luck Chan, I need answers! What country does the capital of Buenos Aires belong to?

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