A game of chance - ChanSung

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Writer: Str4y (srry this was not requested, I felt like I haven't been updating. I am working on one requested fic right now thats called 7 lives right now!!) 


Bang Chan loved university. He wouldn't lie that it felt as good as the movies had made it seem. Maybe he just fit perfectly. He was smart and athletic. He was good looking too. He never had problems with dating or getting into groups of people who were considered the 'it' crowd. He was perfect. And it wasn't like Chan went around acting like he was or anything, he just... fit. University worked for him.

He loved it here. He loved everything about it.

"So you're coming tonight?"

Chan glanced to the side with a huff as he caught his friend with a mouthful of candy, sleeve covering his mouth as he stared at Chan with those round eyes.

"It's a party? Of course I'm coming, Min." Chan scoffed, tucking strands of white-blonde hair behind his ear.

Minho took a moment to respond, swallowing down his candy with ease, "it's going to be different. It's not just us that'll be there. It's like an end of the semester thing for everyone that Changbin set up."

"Ah, so it's more open?"

"Yeah. I mean it'll be fun just expect it to be different."

"I don't mind that more people would be going. It'll be fun. The same crowd is cool but..."

Minho adjusted in his chair, "you gonna try to get laid tonight?"

"You're twelve." Chan tsked, shaking his head in disbelief, "you know I don't usually just hook up, right?"

"Oh I forgot. You're boring." Minho scoffed back.

"You're just reckless as hell," Chan deadpanned, "there's nothing wrong with being more cautious on campus. Especially if it's not the usual crowd. We don't know what these people do."

"Don't you get tested all the time, just ask whoever you fuck?" Minho asked.

Chan rolled his eyes, "anyone can lie. Besides I'll enjoy the drinks and the music."

Minho hummed, "they'll be playing more than EDM, you know?"

"Yeah. I'm aware. I'm perfectly fine with everything. It'll be fun."

"Well, Changbin said he's gonna make things interesting tonight. So whatever happens... promise me that we won't end up in bed together again," Minho held out his pinky, "I will not have another crisis with you."

Chan laughed out at that, taking hold of Minho's pinky, "I can't believe we hooked up freshman year... never again."

"Never again." Minho laughed back.

Minho. Chan really liked Minho. But only as a friend. Minho was like... he was like a puppy in a way. He was awfully clingy at times. And he could be overactive and a tad annoying, but Chan loved him. They'd been close ever since they started university the same year with Changbin. Three idiots who would hang out together and get wasted at parties.

It was great.

Back then during freshman year, Chan hadn't intended on dragging Minho to a closet in one of the bedrooms and riding him till they passed out.

It was the most embarrassing night of Chan's life.

Minho and Chan vowed to never do that shit again. Besides, they had nothing in common besides their love for alcohol and games. They were way better as friends.

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