Tip 2 - Blank Page

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Use the first few pages for your notes: story ideas, place and time of the story, main characters, etc...

Watch out for what was recently published!!!

If you have enough ideas, read them again and pick the best ones. If you don't know, ask someone else to help you. They can give you new ideas or work with you to select the best ideas.

Additions from the second part:

(For your info I wrote a second book but I decided to stick to only one)

Suppose you have found the right material you are comfortable writing on. Open your notebook and look - a blank page peeks out at you! You flip through the entire book and, unless you've just mastered the arcane art of magic and sorcery, your suggestions and ideas are still in your head.

Use the first few pages for your notes. Be it for story ideas, character names, main protagonists and antagonists, or the place and time of the plot.

If you have a page full of ideas, pick the best and most original ones... Well, if you can't, ask someone close to you (if you don't have friends, you're at a bit of a disadvantage, but there's still your family) - who will hopefully be happy to help.

Update to 2023:

I don't like blank pages all the time, still, the worst place for me is to start.

And how do I follow this rule myself?

I make everything up as I go along. I have the main stuff at the beginning and more and more information comes later - then I spend time incorporating the new information (if that's what it takes) into the earlier parts. Or I start a new document and start writing from the beginning.

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