Rules for Writing

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Rule 1: Write only what you would like to read yourself

Rule 2: Never write what you don't enjoy

Rule 3: Your ideal reader is you

Rule 4: Write about what really interests and annoys you

Rule 5: Don't overstate the story

Rule 6: You have to know all the realities better than the reader

Rule 7: Lean on the realities that you know, but otherwise few do

Rule 8: Historical novels are historical realities

Rule 9: Ignorance of setting is no excuse

Rule 10: Consult professionals in the field

Rule 11: Anything unnecessary must go

Rule 12: Work with images

Rule 13: Don't write against everyone

Rule 14: The best book is not the one that is most true, but the one that is most likely

Rule 15: Don't be afraid to experiment

Rule 16: There is no "high" and "low" literature

Rule 17: Science fiction does not grow out of fiction, but out of science

Rule 18: Fantasy is not just fantasy

Rule 19: Children are not stupid adults

Rule 20: Find equally "disabled" friends

Rule 21: Live

Rule 22: Don't be paranoid

Rule 23: Don't be careless

Rule 24: If you ever want to write something good, write it now

Rule 25: Find your ideal idea

Rule 26: There aren't just a few ideas that keep repeating themselves

Rule 27: A fable must be a clean and clear story with a point

Rule 28: A fable is not a plot

Rule 29: Write parallel storylines

Rule 30: Think about others and other plans for the book

Rule 31: Carefully build a dramatic vault

Rule 32: Keep your distance from your work

Rule 33: Find the best possible plot

Rule 34: Create diverse and nuanced characters

Rule 35: Don't gloss over

Rule 36: You must know your characters completely

Rule 37: Characters in a short story and a novel develop differently

Rule 38: It's not the words that make the hero, but the actions

Rule 39: Use stories within a story

Rule 40: Work with dynamics

Rule 41: Put the description before the plot

Rule 43: Import dialogue only when necessary

Rule 44: Use different options for writing a speech

Rule 45: Distinguish plot lines sufficiently

Rule 46: Don't overuse accentuation devices

Rule 47: Use varied language but in moderation

Rule 48: Use the music of the language

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