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Have you ever felt your heart?

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Have you ever felt your heart?

We all know it's there but have you felt its presence? Like he is telling you that he was there. Like all of your feeling attack you at the same time. Like you felt your heartbeat for the first time.
I am feeling that right now. Looking at his face. can his mere name gives me peace.
As we sat there....talking about nothing but everything, the comfort between us glows.
Without even knowing each other, there is so much understanding in the air. It's like the first talk I had with Aisha when I just knew she will never judge me. But with Siddharth, it's much more than that...something that I can't pinpoint.
I want to talk to him for hours, tell him all of my secrets.
He looks like a secret too. One that I understand but don't know. He is like a lock whose key I have but can't unlock it. I can't describe him. My words won't be able to express me today.
We were in the middle of not so important conversation. But it was sounding so I don't even want to miss a word of this.
There are very few people who can engage me in a conversation for this long or only Aisha can.
As we were talking, suddenly a thunder( namely Aisha), came in full speed and sat beside me.
" Hi, again guys, I can see you people were enjoying each other's company without me."
I'll break her pretty face, which was pouting at me for dramatic effects.
"Yeah, it was a really interesting talk. I hope I can spend some time with you both again."
Did he just say he wanted to meet again??
"Of course, now I guess we are friends. You are the third wheel here from now on. Welcome aboard!"
Aisha very enthusiastically replied. Once we get home I'll shoot her. Idiot!!
"Yeah, Ishu is right let's meet tomorrow. You said you would help me around the city, right?"
I added with a smile. Am I going too fast? Will he be comfortable with it?
I don't know but I want to know him, talk to him again, tell him about myself, and have mindless conversations with him like today.
" Yeah, sure let's meet at the college gate, and from there we can go around the city."
"Perfect! Then see you tomorrow, actually my mom is outside, we are going to my place."
"Yeah, cool, see you tomorrow."
We said our farewells. I could see Aisha's gears turning as we walked together toward the car. She is not gonna let this go. Hugh! But I had a great time.
Please, please! I hope there is something written for me and him...

It's midnight and I am sitting in Aisha's bed as she changes in the bathroom.
I had a call with my family. Telling them all about tonight and about meeting a new friend. But only Moto knows that he could be special. I tell her everything about me. I told her that this friend might be as important as Aisha but not more. She got the gist. She wants me to be myself and think about me.
Since we are back Aisha is constantly teasing me. Even in front of Aunty and Uncle, as the weekend has started Uncle and me are staying with the mother-daughter.
Now, the problem is Ishu has been bouncing in front of everyone about me and Siddharth.
"Pranav I could feel it in the air... This Siddharth is gonna be special or very special. I can say the way they were looking at each other. There was romance in the air."
She started her rant about Siddharth again.
Aisha liked him. She said he seems like the guy I would like.
I know she is right. For the first time, I looked at a guy this way.
His Hazel stare, his brown hairs which fall into his forehead, and last but not least his voice. When he started speaking I could only listen to him. I couldn't take my attention away even for a second.
I want to listen to his voice again and again and again.
I wonder what has happened to me!
I am not like this. Maybe this seems like a start to a beautiful beginning.

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