Dead Ahead

39 4 0

Last time the towers made it back to base and were ambushed by some evil people and very strong zombie now they are currently in a Humvee going somewhere to grab supplies due to a previous attack. Scout woke up and the Humvee was still moving and he was tired as hell because they have been driving for 2 days straight.

Scout: Commander when are we going to get there?

Commander: Uhhhhhh.... No clue lol

Scout: Bruh.

The towers (Besides Medic and Commander) were squished up to each other in the Humvee trying to not make it awkward but it was hard not to because it was very uncomfortable. For example Neko dj was sleeping and was using Scout's shoulder as a pillow or uh Soldier wanting to stretch but he cant because he is in a moving vehicle you know?

Dj: How does if feel to be a pillow to my sister right now Scout.

Scout: S-shut up bro-

Dj: Heh- somebody is embarrassed.

The towers continued to drive and they were on a bridge but then it started falling apart and the towers started hopping out of the vehicle and the Humvee fell into the water from the damaged bridge thankfully none of the towers were harmed.

Soldier: What even happened-




While the towers were arguing Scout, Sniper, and Engineer were trying to pull the Humvee out of the water with some ropes but while they were they saw some of those this called "Abnormal Bosses" and they were shaking the bridge .

Sniper: Oh god!

Scout tied the ropes that were connected to the Humvee to one of the support beams of the bridge and quickly grabbed his pistol and Engineer stated setting up one of her sentries. One of the Abnormal bosses grabbed Sniper and threw him to the other side of the bridge and Medic ran over to check on him.


Engineer: Yeah!

Engineer set up her sentry to stall the abnormal bosses as she grabbed Soldier and gestured him to help her lift up a part of the bridge so they can get a move on. Dj was just focusing on protecting his little sister. Scout and Commander were getting corned by the bosses.


Scout: Yes sir.

The Scout and Commander continued firing trying to stall the bosses as Engineer and Soldier started lifting the bridge. Sniper managed to snipe one of the Abnormal bosses down and it fell into the water but there was still 2 abnormal bosses. The Abnormal bosses started grabbing chunks of the road on the bridge and started throwing it at Scout and Commander and they were trying to avoid the stuff. But then a chunk that one of the bosses threw hit Scout directly in the face and he was kind of pissed so he got into the Humvee that was being help up by the ropes and turned it around and rammed one of the Abnormal bosses with it blasting it back. But before the towers could deal with the other abnormal boss they saw thousands of zombies approaching behind the abnormal boss.


Dj: And quickly too!

Commander, Soldier, Dj, Sniper, Medic, Neko dj, and Engineer ran into the car and Scout put it at full speed and started just driving down the bridge. Soldier kicked open the back of the Humvee door and started open firing while Medic held onto the collar of his shirt so he would not fall out of the car. Scout was focusing on the road and kept speeding until he saw a giant gash in the road and a nearby ramp so we swerved the car to it and the car leaped off the ramp and was falling through the air. The car then hit the ground and bounced up and flipped over making it land on its roof and it started bouncing forward damaging the car until it came to a stop while scraping against the road. The car came to the halt and each of the towers felt dizzy and nauseous and were injured.

Sniper: I cant feel my legs-

The towers quickly got out of the car still dizzy and some of the bridge collapsed so those zombies could not reach them nd the towers knew they would have to walk the rest of the way to where they originally going.

Neko dj: I'm hungry..

Dj: we didn't pack food because we thought this was gonna be an easy drive

Neko dj: You stoopid little mother f-

The towers started walking along the bridge.

Scout: Say uh Commander where are we headed anyways?

Commander: You'll see.

Soldier: My legs are killing me.

Sniper: Grow up.

The towers continued pressing on until a blizzard started kicking up and it was freezing and I mean it was -15 degrees Celsius. The towers stumbled upon a bar and they decided they were gonna wait there.

Dj: It's so danm cold!

Commander: Skill issue.


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