Chapter 3 - Whisper of Depravity

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"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see." - Henry David Thoreau

Lady Victoria had arrived in London late at night. Her train ride having taken longer than she initially intended it to. She was picked up from King's Cross Station* almost the moment she arrived. She was grateful. Because once she headed home, she had fully intended to continue gathering everything she needed for her own target.

Having found out William was a crime consultant did not bother her in the slightest. She wholeheartedly agreed with what he was doing. But she knew she would never outright tell him that.

When she did arrive back at her manor, Lisa was waiting for her on the doorstep. Anyone who knew the current Ashbourne manor would view it in two different lights. The nobles would become confused as to why she treated her butler and maids so nicely. The lower class would praise her for treating them fairly.

The only reason the noble class would question her was because they always saw smiles on their faces. Working as a maid or butler was the one job that told people just how little money you had. But Lady Victoria didn't see it that way. In fact, word got around that the only question she asked her butler and maids was this:

"Realistically, how much money would you want to earn? Now, do not suggest an outrageous number. But what is a number that would comfortably feed you and your family?"

She hated to see people struggle. Everyone could clearly see that. If she was not helping out in orphanages, she was running her own kitchen on the streets. Feeding the homeless and those with hardly any money.

"Welcome back, Lady Victoria. Is there anything you need before you head out again?" Lisa asks.

"A change of clothes please, Lisa." Lady Victoria replied.

Heading inside, Lisa did as asked while Lady Victoria headed up to her own bedroom. Lisa promptly brought her change of clothes before going and alerting Christopher that she would be leaving soon. Once she was done, she headed down the stairs and entered the carriage. Prepared to gather the final things she needed to pass judgement on an unsuspecting lord.

In the dimly lit drawing room of a Lord Reginald Harrington, he could somehow sense the thick, heavy air drifting over London that very night. No matter what misdeed he committed, he felt safe knowing the entire Houses of Parliament would back him up. Side with the man and state that he had done nothing wrong. Because he knew nobility would be on his side.

Sure, the lesser, or scum as he called them, despised the man. Knew very well what the man had done. But when did he ever care what a commoner thought? He would often be sneered at whenever they saw the Harrington carriage traverse the London streets.

Yet, he could somehow tell this heavy air hanging around London was for a different reason. But since he was just a politician, he could not exactly place what it was that made him feel this way.

However, on the other side of London, a certain individual had taken note of his misdeeds. And it was something she could not easily let slip. So, she did her research on him. Found out anything and everything she could. Being in the upper echelon of nobility made that very easy for her. Though, not a single noble person spoke about his misdeeds. All they would tell her is that he was a highly influential and respected figure within the political landscape of the country.

Sneaking into his very office was not something too difficult to do considering the man never seemed to lock his door. Then, she found the persona hidden behind the public persona. A man who engages in various corrupt activities, including embezzlement, bribery and manipulation of public polices for personal gain. His own actions contributed to the erosion of trust in government institutions and perpetuate a culture of corruption.

Making a deal with devils - William James Moriarty x OCWhere stories live. Discover now