Chapter 11 - The Lauriston Gardens Mystery

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"The way we do anything is the way we do everything." – Martha Beck
⚠️This chapter contains content taken from A Study in Scarlet⚠️

Having finally returned from her voyage on the Noahtic, Lady Victoria sat in her living room. Quietly drinking tea while looking deep in thought all the while. Lisa, who had just served her the tea, seemed to notice how deep in thought Victoria was.

"My lady, what seems to be bothering you?" Lisa asked.

"It's just... I met a rather intriguing man on my recent trip. A detective." She replied.

"A detective?" Lisa asked.

"Yes. I believe he goes by the name of Sherlock Holmes, though he only told me when Moriarty had asked him for it. His name is one every person knows of." Victoria replies.

Then, does that mean..." Lisa paused.

"Fret not, Lisa. He has not yet worked it out even now. However, he could work it out eventually. So, I want to test him. Our next target. Or, should I say, targets. I want this to be different." She explained.

"Different in what way, Lady Victoria?" Lisa asked.

"I will not be the person behind the next string of incidents. In fact, I would like to use a puppet if possible." She explained.

"You mean, someone willing to do the dirty work for us and throw this detective off a little? To see how he copes with inconsistency?" Lisa asks.

"In a sense, yes." She paused, sitting forward slightly. "Lisa. If it is not too much to ask, find someone who I could be a benefactor to." She asks.

"Of course, my lady. I will have a suitable candidate by night fall." Lisa says before she left.

Out of her three most trustworthy staff, Lisa was the only one who was fully aware of what she did during the nightly hours. When Lisa had found out, she did not resent the woman. In fact, she praised her more so. Was glad that someone was willing to cleanse the corrupt world of the people who made it so.

Sighing, she leant back in her seat, finishing the rest of the tea Lisa had made for her before their conversation had started. Now all she needed was someone to be a benefactor to and someone who she could use in the next string of cases against some corrupt nobles.

And as the maid had said, she returned before night fall with the man that would be pulling off the cases. Her plan was that he would never be caught. In hopes that it would be true. Each "accident" would happen when everyone was assumed asleep.

"Are you certain you wish to go ahead with this? I cannot guarantee Scotland Yard will not find you." Lady Victoria reassures.

"I'm sure, my lady. I'm a commoner, after all. What life do I really have left whether the Yard catches me or they don't?" The man replies.

"Very well. We shall start tonight." Lady Victoria explains.

She handed him a folded piece of paper that explained exactly what he needed to do. He was shocked at how well thought out this was. Even going as far as to praise the Lady for coming up with something at such short notice.

And, the man did as advised on the piece of paper. He found the man he was supposed to target and knocked him out. Then, using the carriage the Lady provided, he transported the body to 3 Lauriston Gardens and laid the man in the front room. He left marks of blood in the living room but left no traces as to how the man met his end. Or how he even ended up in the residence to begin with.

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