Chapter 10 - A Study in S Act 2

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"There is no single right answer or path forward, but there is one right way to frame the problem." – Clayton M. Christensen

The four men; Watson, Sherlock, Gregson and Lestrade, soon left the crime scene. Sherlock was still handcuffed and was being escorted out. Before Sherlock ran ahead slightly.

"H-Hey, where are you going?! In you go!" Lestrade said.

"Oh, do be quiet." Sherlock said.

"Wha-? What is it, Holmes? Did you find something?" Lestrade asked.

"Yeah. This is interesting." He replies as he stares at the carriage tracks in the street.

"Well then... Lestrade... let me escape. All I want to do is solve the mystery. When the true culprit is caught, you can have all the credit. So I need you to do a little job for me." Sherlock said when he stood up.

They then proceeded to board a carriage set for Scotland Yard.

"A consulting detective, indeed! He's finished this time, Inspector!" Gregson said to Lestrade.

Lestrade pulled the reigns on the carriage, causing the horse to jolt upright and allow Sherlock to escape the back of the carriage and allowing him to run away.

"Holmes!" Gregson shouted when he realised.

"Inspector!" Gregson said, turning back to Lestrade.

"S-Sory! I lost control of the horse all of a sudden." Lestrade explained.

Sherlock managed to run away and headed to a spot he had asked Watson to meet him at.

"So sorry to keep you waiting." Sherlock said as he arrived.

"Sherlock! I'm so glad you managed to get away. The inspector cooperated with you, just like you wrote in your note." Watson said.

"Yeah. But now, I'm every bit a wanted man. John, are you sure you want to help me?" Sherlock said.

"Of course. After all, if you're caught, I'll have to pay the entire rent by myself." Watson joked.

"Then we'll have to settle this right away, to ensure that doesn't happen." Sherlock replied.

"Wait, does that mean you already know who the true culprit is?" Watson asks.

"I don't know who it is just yet. However, all we need to do is set a trap using this to lure them in." Sherlock said, taking out something from his pocket.

"A ring? On that occasion, did you...?" Watson asked.

"I seem to have a talent for pilfering things." Sherlock replied.

"I only pray that going forward, you use your abilities for good." Watson replied with a sigh.

On the other side of London, tucked away, two men were having a conversation as one had lost something rather precious.

"You lost your ring at the scene?" Fred asked.

"I'm sorry. But I need to get it back, whatever it takes. It's more precious to me than my life!" The man replied before dropping to his knees, clenching his chest.

"Are you all right?" Fred asked.

The very next day, an advert was posted in the local paper.

""I found a golden ring in 3 Lauriston Gardens, off the Brixton Road. If you might be the owner, please contact me. 221B Baker Street, Dr John H. Watson."." William read out.

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