Chapter 14 - A Certain Lady's Centennial

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"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart." – Helen Keller

Victoria had noticed something amiss with Lisa, but she could not place her finger on it. She noticed she was not around as much as she normally would be. Keeping to herself and seemingly always lost in thought. Victoria had wanted to question her dear friend on the matter, but did not exactly know how to bring the conversation up.

So, she left the matter to rest. She had faith in Lisa, much as she did the same in her. So whatever she was doing, or even if something were bothering her, she knew Lisa would inform her of it.

However, it was quite the opposite. Lisa was at her wits end. Struggling to plan something for her dear friend's centennial. She wanted it to be perfect. To show her how much she had changed her life. How much she had changed the woman herself. Before, she was a cold hearted woman that caused trouble on the streets of London only due to her seeking food in an illegal manner.

She was glad for their friendship and she wanted greatly to show that. So she made a decision. One she had no clue whether to regret or not. Late at night, she left Victoria's estate and hailed for a carriage to take her to King's Cross station. Once she arrived, she headed for the ticket hall and booked a single ticket to Durham.

She knew the length of the journey but she was not the slightest bothered. She repeatedly told herself this was for her friend. And indeed it was. She boarded her train and took her seat. Grateful to have a cabin to herself. She perched herself on one of the sofa's and soon fell asleep. It was morning before she arrived in Durham.

She had sent a telegram prior to her departure of Lady Victoria's estate. Sent directly to William James Moriarty. The telegram read:

I apologise for the sudden letter seeing as though this estate never sends any. But the circumstances, in my opinion, led me to send this letter.

I have made the decision to visit in Durham. Victoria is unaware of my sudden departure but honestly I am doing this to seek out help.


She had hoped the telegram arrived before her departure. But seeing as though she sent it the day before she left, the chances were extraordinarily slim. When she did eventually step out of the train, and soon the station, she again hailed for a carriage and asked for it to take her to the Moriarty estate. The coachman agreed and she soon arrived.

She thanked and tipped the coachman before stepping outside the carriage and up to the door. She knocked three times before the door opened, revealing Louis holding a pile of books. Surprised to see her.

"Lisa? Doesn't Lady Victoria live in London? What are you doing all the way out here?" Louis asks.

"Well, you see... I came here actually to talk to William. I had sent a telegram but I somewhat suspected I would arrive before it." Lisa explained.

"Did you only just arrive? Would you care for some tea?" Louis then asks.

"Thank you, Louis." She said with a smile as he let her in.

She headed for the kitchen with him. Noticing two familiar people and one not-so familiar.

"Louis, who is this?" The unfamiliar voice asked.

"Albert, this is Lisa. Lady Victoria's friend and attendant. Me, Fred and Moran met her aboard the Noahtic." Louis explained.

"Ah! I remember her! She was trying to hang a body from the ceiling." Moran exclaimed.

Making a deal with devils - William James Moriarty x OCWhere stories live. Discover now