Chapter 17 - The Man with the Golden Army Act 3

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"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it." – Margaret Thatcher
⚠️This chapter contains content taken from chapter 14 of the manga⚠️

"Daryl! You're alive? Why? How?!" Moran asked.

"Please sir... put down your weapon and step away from his grace. Do it or I'll shoot her then him!" Daryl said.

"So... You were working for him? Since when? Was it before you even joined my troop?" Moran asked.

"Smart man, sir. Didn't expect anything less, of course. And from what I picked up from your story, at the event hall, you're up-to-date on what's been happening with this war from behind the scenes too. Right?" Daryl asked.

"You mean the fact that the Afghan war is nothing but a hijacked seesaw battle?" Moran replied.

"Correct! Under the rules of war, the British Empire, with its vast army and access to supplies, could easily win this war. In order to keep that from happening, we have to make sure Russia stays focused on Afghanistan. That's why his grace has been using his authority to move troops around and to send weapons across enemy lines. It was all for the sake of continuing the Afghan war... and for world peace. Your troop too, sir, had to be sacrificed for that peace." Daryl explained.

"That's terrible!" Moniepeny commented.

"Shut it!" Daryl warned.

"So you were the one! You led us right to the Afghan army... and into a trap that you alone could escape from. Daryl... Do you understand what you've done? What you're doing?" Moran asked.

"Of course I do. At least that's what you want to hear, right? I am evil incarnate! I use the deaths of others to fulfil my goals! I truly am a merchant of evil. I am aware of that! But even you can't disagree with me. I dare you to tell me I'm wrong! I merely traded the lives of a few to protect many more fellow British citizens! Those are the types of decisions people with power need to make. His grace has chosen to shoulder that responsibility and do what needs to be done. He is the one true patriot of our great nation! Even in these difficult times... He's always ready to make tough decisions." Daryl replied.

"What do you mean?" Moran asked.

"Everyone at this party... will die tonight! The explosives that will be used in tonight's "terrorist attack" to oppose the new Afghan King are already in place. There's nothing you can do to stop us." Daryl replied.

"What?!" Moniepeny exclaimed.

"The new Afghan King will die, and this war that was all but over will start anew. These lands will continue to be drenched in blood while the motherland continue to prosper. Not only are you skilled in combat, but you're also quite smart. Such a shame, really." Daryl commented.

"Why's that?" Moran asked.

"Sir... How would you like to join us? You and Samuel? Someone like you two who've survived a real war would surely understand... that we can't allow the English people at large to suffer as you have. Someone like you was able to see through his grace's plan must already know... what in this world is right... and what's wrong..." Daryl replied.

"No! Don't listen to him!" Moniepeny called out.

"No. He's not wrong." Moran replied.

"Colonel?!" Moniepeny said.

"He's making some real good points. If sacrificing a few soldiers can keep 30 million civilians safe, then it's probably worth it." Moran replied.

"Glad to hear you agree, Colonel!" Daryl replied.

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