Chapter 16 - The Man with the Golden Army Act 2

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"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster." – Sun Tzu
⚠️This chapter contains content taken from chapter 13 of the manga⚠️

The four then headed to Southampton Port, awaiting the next plan of action as they head out for India. Moran was outside smoking while Moniepeny, Albert and Samuel had a discussion in the nearby carriage.

"This is the plan William and Victoria came up with. I took the liberty of asking Que to prepare everything you'll need for each step. I'll leave it up to you three to decide how you want to proceed once you're there." Albert explained.

"Thank you kindly. Leave it to us." Moniepeny replied.

"I've also enclosed a letter from William addressed to you, Moniepeny. And there's also one addressed to you, Samuel from Victoria. Please read it when you can." Albert spoke.

"Right. Have a safe trip back, Em." Moniepeny replied.

"This is definitely not what I expected when I agreed, but none the less. You can expect results, Em." Samuel replied.

The three then proceeded to board the boat set for India as they had a discussion below deck.

"Thanks to destroying that factory, we were able to sever their supply chain at its source. And now MI6 is tasked with... eliminating the one behind all this- the Governor-General of India, Graham Dunderdale. It appears that the Duke has scheduled a social event at his secondary residence in Calcutta. The recently appointed England-backed Afghan King will be in attendance. According to William and Victoria's plan... we are to infiltrate the party and assassinate the Duke. He left us with five different options that take into account various scenarios we might encounter. However, based on feasibility, I believe we should go with the first plan I explained earlier since it's simple and the one most likely to succeed. What say you, Colonel? Captain? Do you agree?" Moniepeny asks.

"Yeah, let's go with that one." Moran replied.

"No objections here." Samuel replied.

"What's the situation there now?" Moran asked as he lit a cigarette.

"According to the latest report, almost all of Afghanistan is under the control of the British-Indian army, but... it appears a small platoon patrolling Kabul was recently wiped out. And there have been smaller skirmishes here and there. Huh? That's strange... An entire platoon was wiped out..." Moniepeny said.

"Colonel?" Moniepeny said when he saw Moran get up.

"I'm gonna go rest for a bit. Tell me when you get some new intel." Moran said as he left.

"Leave him be." Samuel sighed as he left.

"The letter from Master William..." Moniepeny said when she saw it.

"I can take my leave if you want to read that privately." Samuel asked.

"It's fine. Thank you, Captain." Moniepeny replied.

Samuel took a seat as Moniepeny read her letter.

"Miss Moniepeny... I believe you need to know this. Moran once told me... about his time stationed in Afghanistan. Miss Moniepeny... there is a reason I am writing to you about his past. I believe that the person who ordered his troop's relocation was none other than the Duke himself. I assumed that he used Moran's troop back then for the same motive that he has now- to ensure the continuation of the war. If Moran were to find out, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume he'd try to take matters into his own hands and seek revenge. If that happens, our plan to assassinate the Duke will fail. Please keep an eye on him and make sure things go as planned. Take care of Moran for me. Both you and Samuel."

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